Course Date

Course Date List

Sunday, Dec 8, 2019 by Scott Spence Course Date, List, Basics

Under Courses>Dates you will see a list of scheduled course dates ordered from closest to furthermost away. Things to note about this course listing: The courses are grouped by week (with the week starting on Sunday) by course category (in the order of the course categories under options) then by location (in the order of the locations under options). Provider is the course provider who is delivering the course (only varies if you have the ‘reseller licence’)

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How are documents changed to completed in the document list?

Monday, Nov 4, 2019 by Scott Spence FAQ, Course Master, Course Date, DOcument

How are documents changed to completed in the document list? The course dates are scheduled or completed based on the ‘Completed Date’ on the course master of the course date eg: a value of -2 will change the courses from scheduled to completed two days before the course date start. This is run as a service called ‘course expiry’ - which you can disable if you wish, this means that to remove the documents from the list of scheduled courses you would need to manually change the courses from scheduled to completed.

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Where and which dates should be used for units and certificates?

Sunday, Feb 24, 2019 by Scott Spence Course Date, Document, Module, Date, Certificate, PDF

By default the start and end dates on a course date are used when reporting AVETMISS data. These are then overridden by the Document Topic Form (it is not possible to put dates on the document) if there are valid dates on those forms. If these fields exist on the document topics form, the first valid date on each of these fields is used in the order document topic form then course date, eg if Activity Start Date on the Document Topic Form has a valid value it is used.

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Add a Course Date

Wednesday, Feb 13, 2019 by Scott Spence Add, Course Date, Course Master

Courses are organised into course masters and course date. A course master is the template for all the course dates under it. Course dates use course master information as default or as defined on the course master. See details below about what information is used as default, to be edited, and what can only be found on the course master. There are two main ways you can add a course date:

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Incorrect registration / enquiry numbers on a course

Friday, Feb 8, 2019 by Scott Spence Course Date, Enquiry, Registration keeps track of the total registrations and enquiries on a course. The total is adjusted when a process step is applied to a document, eg if a step ‘Registration’ has the Effect on Registrations value of ‘Registered’ then that increases the number of registrations on the course date by one. If however the Effect on Registrations is ‘Registration Cancelled’ then the registrations on the course date decreases by one. The value of Registered documents is important as it shows on the course list (see below), is used to calculate if the course should display on the website.

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Identifiers for Documents, Contacts and Course Dates

Friday, Dec 7, 2018 by Scott Spence ID, Identifier, Document, Course Date, Contact

Document and contact identifiers are useful when needing to: Provide a link to submit more information or updated information, eg gathering USI data or additional information in a multi-step registration process. Reference a particular registration/booking for customer service or compliance requirements. When needing to identify documents - aka bookings enrolments or registrations, and contacts aka student clients customers, identifiers can be used for a variety of ways including identifying certificates, referencing invoices, validating achievements (certificates or statements of attainment) and gaining access to the student portal or other third party systems.

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Setup alternative, special course prices

Friday, Dec 7, 2018 by Scott Spence Course Date, Course Price

You might wish to have different, alternative, pricing based on resellers, customers or discount offerings. You can use alternative pricing to have different websites that list the same course, you can also extend this to alternative terms and conditions. Perhaps you want to keep consistent account pricing for customers across a sales team. When you receive a booking from an account customer that gets a particular discount or offer it is important that those registrations include the correct price for reporting and invoicing purposes.

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Setup Course Dates or Topics to Manage Lessons / Courses

Tuesday, Mar 27, 2018 by Scott Spence Course Date, Course Topic, Document Topic

Managing courses can be straightforward when dealing with a training course. However there are some situations where it is not to straightforward, and there may be a consideration for a more non-conventional use of course dates and topics. The conventional short course use of is that a course dates are set up at a regular interval where student search for, select and attend the training. In this scenario if you need to monitor the units of competency associated with the training these are specified as topics and modules on the format, and then automatically allocated at the point the course date is created.

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Find a Course ID

Saturday, Feb 25, 2017 by Scott Spence FAQ, Course Date, Course Date ID

Course Dates are used to identify courses that students register on. These unique numbers are also referred to as an ‘Internal Id’ for a course date. These are unique and never used again - so don’t just guess what a coursedateId could be! This value is used when constructing links for student booking on private courses, and used when troubleshooting issues such as errors or misconfigurations. Providing dates and venues of locations is not enough - as there could be double-ups.

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Course start and end times

Thursday, Nov 17, 2016 by Scott Spence Course Date, Course Date Start, Course Format

Often it is important to inform the students attending face to face training of the start and end times of a course, particularly to keep the student informed and to encourage them to arrive on time. If you wish to specify other times, such times for lunch, specific topics, exams, etc then use the topics on the format to do this. Topic times are available to the student in the student portal.

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Notify Trainers of an up-coming course

Tuesday, Oct 25, 2016 by Scott Spence Workflow, Trainer, Course Date, Process Step, Email

Trainers are busy - how can be help them manage their schedule and keep updated with the courses that they are scheduled to attend? offers a number of ways to do this. Firstly the trainer portal displays the courses that a trainer is linked to, this means that the ‘schedule’ is the most up to date display of the courses scheduled for a trainer - it even includes past courses and cancelled courses.

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Accepting enquiries when a date, location and/or course category does not exist

Sunday, Jul 10, 2016 by Scott Spence Enquiry, Course Date, Document

Sometimes in a listing of courses the combination of dates, locations and/or course category may yeild no results for the person searching. The default display for is a message that says ‘No course dates found’. Wouldn’t it be better to give the customer an opportunity to let us know they are interested in that combination - and, if we had sufficient interest, we could schedule a course for those customers?

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Change a Course Master of a Course Date

Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016 by Scott Spence Course Master, Course Date

If a Course Date changes, eg from a public to inhouse course or from one Course Category to another it might be useful to change the Course Master. The benefit of this method may depend on what you are trying to achieve and your configuration differences between the two Course Masters. It might save you time over other options: Creating a new Course Date and transferring all students from the original Course Date - not recommended.

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Registration for courses without a date

Tuesday, Jun 21, 2016 by Scott Spence Course Date, Registration, Booking

There are many reasons why you might not have a date for a course: An elearning course where students set their own pace, they start when they join and complete when they have completed the assessments Prospective students outside of your normal location, where the delivery will occur once there is sufficient interest Topics of interest that have not got sufficient interest to warrant a scheduled course Students who have had to postpone a course, or been bumped off a course due to a cancelation but are unsure which dates or locations will suit them best.

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Dates as variables in Exports, PDF and Email

Thursday, Oct 15, 2015 by Scott Spence Course Date, Date, Export, Email, Variable, Replacement

There are many different date & time variables that you can use on invoices, registration forms and emails. These include the dates & times specified for courses or internal events like updating a price and timestamps that are system recorded times linked to process steps or documents eg. modification and creation. In addition to these you can of course create your own custom date and time variables such as Date of birth eg.

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Events - when to use them

Sunday, Aug 16, 2015 by Scott Spence Event, Course Date

Scenarios where events are useful You sell a 5 day event in different ways. The 5 day course may include first a 3 day beginner course and then a 2 day advanced course, these can be sold as 3 products: 3 day beginner 2 day advanced 5 day comprehensive; beginner & advanced Having these spit out as different course dates means that you have the option to sell at different prices, eg 3 day may cost $3000, the 2 day might cost $2000 but the 5 day might cost $4000, a discount of $1000 for buying the full 5 days.

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Links, What they are and how they work

Tuesday, Jun 16, 2015 by Scott Spence Link, Table Link, Course Master, Course Date, Login, Email, PDF

In some records can be linked, for example People can be linked to a course master, so that emails come from or get sent to those people who have the specified role. PDFs can be linked to emails so that the PDF is attached to the email when it is sent to the recipient. Linking is a non-permanent way to relate one aspect of to another. Links are infact the only think that you can ‘remove’ or ‘delete’ from CourseSales.

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Transfer a Student to Another Course

Thursday, May 21, 2015 by Scott Spence Transfer, Student, Participant, Delegate, Course Date

For what ever reason you will at some point need to transfer a document from one course to another. provides an easy way to do this, which, in a few clicks can get the document ie registration, to another course. There are catches however depending on your configuration, which we cover here to ensure your experience is smooth and painless. If you need to transfer a document (registration) of a participant to another course:

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Find Completed Courses

Monday, Apr 20, 2015 by Scott Spence Course Date, Completed automatically changes the status of courses from Scheduled to Completed based on the Make Completed value in the course master. will change the status to completed using this offset from the Start Date (minus dates are before the Start Date). This is used to determine what courses are displayed on the public pages. For example if you want courses to expire on the website on the Friday before a Monday start then you will need to add “-2” as the Make Completed.

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Use the Schedule

Thursday, Oct 30, 2014 by Scott Spence Schedule, Logins, Course Date, Trainer

The Schedule, under the Contact tab is a quick way to see the courses linked to a particular user or role. Colour coding The grey course are completed or past cancelled courses, dark green are scheduled, light green (teal) are completed but not yet finished and blue are cancelled courses. Filtering You can filter by user or by role. Once you have filtered by a user or role you can then filter by the other to further narrow down results.

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Export Courses, Documents or Contacts

Monday, Aug 18, 2014 by Scott Spence Export, Course Date, Contact, Document, Export Map, Export Queue, Download

To export Courses, Documents or Contacts your login needs to have a role which manage permissions on Course Dates, Documents and Contacts respectively. Use the filter options to selectively pick the items that you want to display. Use the download button to apply the filter to a downloadable, comma separated file. Example This shows the steps to take to download the details of all students for a particular course category Choose the Export menu

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Different ways to advance a Process Step

Saturday, Aug 16, 2014 by Scott Spence Process Step, Workflow, Course Date, Document

See also Workflow - Process Paths, Steps and Rules There are many ways to advance a process step, the one you choose will depend on if you are interacting with an external role, needing input by the course admin. What can a process step do? Nothing Increase the registration total Increase the enquiry total Transfer in or out Confirm attendance

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Automatic course date status changes to completed

Thursday, Jul 24, 2014 by Scott Spence Course Date, Automation automatically changes the status of courses to ‘Completed’ using a rule set on the Course Master. Users can also manually change the status of any Course Date at any time. Course Dates with the status ‘Completed’ do not show on public course pages, and also are not returned from web service queries. To set or adjust the rule on the Course Master, look for the field called ‘Make Completed’.

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Setup Terms and Content to vary by Price Type

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 by Scott Spence Terms, Content, Course Date, Price, Price Type

Varying Terms Create a new field (name=Content Terms Id) of the type ‘text’ and create the field Internal Type ‘Content Terms Id’, you will also require a Content Terms field (if it does not already exist) do NOT add the Internal Type ‘Content Terms Id’ to this field. Add both the Content Terms Id field and the Content Terms field to the required document form(s). NOTE: Only the Content Terms field will show in the form, the Content Terms Id field is ‘hidden’.

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Add references to your emails or PDFs

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Course Date, Document, Course Date ID, Document ID, Email, PDF

Add document references to your emails or PDFs. You can use the unique identifier for course dates and documents (enquiries/registrations) as a way to keep track of someone’s registration. To do this we recommend that you put the following at the bottom of your emails: Course reference: [CourseDates:CourseDateId] our reference is: [Documents:DocumentExternalId] Hint: beta feature - use with caution to include the name of the email template (for troubleshooting purposes) use this: [Email:TemplateName], hide as white text if you wish to have this on emails but not to be noticed:

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Tuesday, Sep 24, 2013 by Mark Stoke Integration, Web Services, REST, Course Date

Swagger Definition Refer to the swagger file for a full definition yaml Swagger for Course Date Standard Web Service This web service requires a standard web services user. It may be used in client or server-side applications. Call pattern Besides the login details as specified for SOAP and REST, this call requires you to request the specific Course Dates information you require. Requests are made through an array, and all requests are structured according to the same pattern:

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