AVETMISS NAT file Error Database

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 by Scott Spence AVETMISS

AVETMISS NAT file Error Database Select your NAT file and then your error number to get instructions of how to fix these. Select a AVETMISS NAT file NAT00010 NAT00010a NAT00020 NAT00030 NAT00030a NAT00060 NAT00080 NAT00085 NAT00090 NAT00100 NAT00120 NAT00130 Choose an error number 3801-Training Organisation Identifier 3830-Training Organisation Identifier 3830-Training Organisation Name 4612-Training Organisation Name 4613-Training Organisation Identifier 4645-Training Organisation Identifier 4704-Training Organisation Identifier Choose an error number 3704-State Identifier 3705-Postcode 3707-State Identifier 3801-Training Organisation Identifier 3830-Address First Line 3830-Training Organisation Identifier 3830-Training Organisation Name 4612-Training Organisation Name 4613-Training Organisation Identifier 4614-Training Organisation Type Identifier 4644-Training Organisation Name 4652-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town Choose an error number 3704-State Identifier 3705-Postcode 3707-State Identifier 3715-Country Identifier 3802-Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier 3830-Address - Suburb Locality or Town 3830-Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier 3830-Training Organisation Delivery Location Name 4500-Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier 4615-Training Organisation Identifier 4639-Postcode 4648-Country Identifier 4652-Address - Suburb Locality or Town 4665-Country Identifier 4689-Postcode Choose an error number 3401-Nominal Hours 3402-Nominal Hours 3419-Nominal Hours 3803-Program Identifier 3830-Program Identifier 3830-Program Name 4501-Program Identifier 4726-Program Identifier 4727-Program Name Choose an error number 3004-VET Flag 3401-Nominal Hours 3402-Nominal Hours 3417-ANZSCO Identifier 3418-ANZSCO Identifier 3419-Nominal Hours 3709-Program Recognition Identifier 3725-Program Field of Education Identifier 3733-Program Level of Education Identifier 3803-Program Identifier 3830-ANZSCO Identifier 3830-Program Field of Education Identifier 3830-Program Identifier 3830-Program Level of Education Identifier 3830-Program Name 3848-Program Level of Education Identifier 3851-Program Level of Education Identifier 4501-Program Identifier 4519-Program Recognition Identifier 4617-VET Flag 4646-ANZSCO Identifier 4681-Program Recognition Identifier 4699-Program Name 4741-Program Identifier Choose an error number 3004-VET Flag 3404-Nominal Hours 3420-Nominal Hours 3720-Subject Field of Education Identifier 3808-Subject Identifier 3830-Subject Identifier 3830-Subject Name 4502-Subject Identifier 4722-Subject Name 4723-Nominal Hours 4728-Subject Identifier Choose an error number 3007-Gender 3008-Indigenous Status Identifier 3009-At School Flag 3010-Disability Flag 3013-Prior Educational Achievement Flag 3201-Date Of Birth 3204-Date of Birth 3234-Date of Birth 3705-Postcode 3707-State Identifier 3708-State Identifier 3715-Country Identifier 3723-Labour Force Status Identifier 3726-Language Identifier 3740-Highest School Level Completed Identifier 3745-At School Flag 3761-Statistical Area Level 1 Identifier 3762-Statistical Area Level 2 Identifier 3811-Client Identifier 3830-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town 3830-Address Street Name 3830-Address Street Number 3832-Prior Educational Achievement Flag 3835-Date of Birth 3840-At School Flag 3853-Name for Encryption 3864-Unique Student Identifier 3865-Unique Student Identifier 3867-Unique Student Identifier 3868-Unique Student Identifier 4000-Disability Flag 4001-Prior Educational Achievement Flag 4015-Disability Flag 4016-Prior Educational Achievement Flag 4503-Client Identifier 4618-Indigenous Status Identifier 4619-Client Identifier 4649-Client Identifier 4652-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town 4692-Client Identifier 4701-State Identifier 4730-Client Identifier 4731-Survey contact status 4732-Survey contact status 4733-Survey contact status 4734-Name for Encryption 4735-Unique Student Identifier 4744-Unique Student Identifier 4746-Unique Student Identifier 4750-Unique student identifier Choose an error number 3705-Postcode 3706-Postcode 3707-State Identifier 3811-Client Identifier 3830-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town 3830-Address Street Name 3833-Address Street Number 3837-Address Street Name 4007-Client Identifier 4630-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town 4631-Client First Given Name 4631-Client Last Name 4633-Telephone Number [Home] 4633-Telephone Number [Mobile] 4633-Telephone Number [Work] 4635-Email Address 4635-Email Address [alternative] 4637-Client Last Name 4652-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town 4690-Telephone Number [mobile] 4701-State Identifier Choose an error number 3718-Disability Type Identifier 3812-Client Identifier 4000-Client Identifier 4007-Client Identifier Choose an error number 3731-Prior Educational Achievement Identifier 3813-Client Identifier 4001-Client Identifier 4007-Client Identifier Choose an error number 3005-Commencing Program Identifier 3210-Activity Start Date 3211-Activity Start Date 3212-Activity Start Date 3213-Activity End Date 3214-Activity End Date 3216-Activity Start Date 3251-Activity End Date 3252-Activity End Date 3253-Activity End Date 3260-Outcome Identifier - National 3261-Delivery Mode Identifier 3716-Delivery Mode Identifier 3727-Outcome Identifier - National 3742-Funding Source - National 3747-Funding Source - National 3823-Commencing Program Identifier 3824-Commencing Program Identifier 3830-Outcome Identifier - National 3869-Subject Identifier 3870-Subject Identifier 4006-Program Identifier 4007-Client Identifier 4010-Subject Identifier 4011-Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier 4620-Training Contract Identifier 4622-Training Contract Identifier 4623-Training Contract Identifier 4624-Client Identifier - Apprenticeships 4643-Program Identifier 4651-Study Reason Identifier 4684-Funding Source - National 4685-Specific Funding Identifier 4691-VET In Schools Flag 4693-Client Identifier 4694-Specific Funding Identifier 4696-Specific Funding Identifier 4700-Funding Source - National 4725-Funding Source - national 4729-Subject Identifier 4736-Client Identifier 4737-Activity End Date 4738-Activity End Date 4739-Activity End Date 4740-Commencing Program Identifier 4742-Commencing Program Identifier 4747-Outcome identifier - national 4748-Program identifier 4749-Subject identifier 4751-Funding Source - National 4754-Subject identifier 4755-Subject identifier 4756-Multiple Successful Completions Choose an error number 3217-Date Program Completed 3241-Date Program Completed 3241-Date Program Completed 3242-Date Program Completed 3250-Issued Flag 4006-Program Identifier 4007-Client Identifier 4009-Program Identifier 4017-Client Identifier 4518-Client Identifier 4518-Client Identifier 4526-Training Organisation Identifier Rule: If blank or not a valid value (also cannot be OSPC or @@@@) and Training organisation identifier cannot be found on TGA Error: Postcode must not be blank or invalid.

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How to setup automatic USI Verification

Thursday, Mar 19, 2020 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI, Login, Export Queue, auskey, mygovid

Enable web services for USI validation The Auskeys are encrypted bits of information stored on your computer then validated across the internet with the government services you use. To request access for web services (that allow CourseSales.com to validate USIs on your behalf) visit this page: https://forms.business.gov.au/smartforms/servlet/SmartForm.html?formCode=USI-SysAccess More information is available here: https://www.usi.gov.au/faqs/i-want-know-how-use-web-services-connect-usi-registry-system https://www.usi.gov.au/training-organisations/set-access-usi-registry-system Enable USI Validation From April 2020 it will be necessary to use the myGovID authentication rather than auskey.

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Register the Course Sales Auskey for your organisation

Thursday, Mar 19, 2020 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Auskey, USI

Auskeys are no longer required for USI validation please read Automatic USI verification Please ignore the following advice - it is out of date and scheduled for removal. There are three steps to this: Step 1: Enable web services for USI validation The Auskeys are encrypted bits of information stored on your computer then validated across the internet with the government services you use. To request access for web services (that allow CourseSales.

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Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Thursday, Mar 19, 2020 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI, FAQ

CourseSales.com already has the USI functionality (that is we can accept a USI from a student, and associate it with the student record). When using CourseSales.com this is the process: Accepting a USI The field AVETMISS Unique Student Identifier includes the following validation options: AVETMISS 7.0 USI this verifies just against the USI format specification for AVETMISS 7.0 ie. including SHORT, not including 0, O, I or 1 etc. It does not validated the name, birth date and USI.

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Monday, Dec 9, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, FAQ

Where do I upload my AVETMISS files? Submit your NAT files to the https://avs.ncver.edu website for submission. Having an AVS software sign-on is required for submitting the NAT files to meet AVETMISS compliance. Why don’t some records export to my AVETMISS NAT files? The following criteria determine if a record will be exported in NAT files: Course date and registration information will be exported only from course dates marked as ‘completed’ Documents must also be linked to a valid contact to be exported Only activities with a valid value in the field Outcome Identifier - National will be exported.

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Copying Topics to Course Dates and Documents

Monday, Dec 9, 2019 by Scott Spence Course Topic, Document Topic, Module, AVETMISS

Bulk updating the Course Topics on Course Dates and/or the Document Topics on Documents might be required when Course Dates are moved to different Course Masters, timetables change, Documents do not have their topics created or units of competency were not correctly added to Course Dates. Document Topics are used in the student and trainer portals to show the schedule of what will be covered by the facilitator and on what dates.

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How to set up AVETMISS

Monday, Dec 9, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS

This information is ONLY for when you are setting up AVETMISS - usually this is done for you so it is likely to not be very useful! AVETMISS is a data reporting requirement by the Australian federal and state governments for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Data to be reported includes details about the individuals (clients, past qualifications, disabilities, USI) , the activities they do (Units, Modules, Programs - Qualifications) and the details about the locations and subjects (venues, unit names).

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Modules instead of Units of Competency

Monday, Dec 9, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Module, Unit of Competency

CourseSales.com deals with modules and Units of Competency (UoC) differently. Some training organisations teach modules rather than UoC, these modules may be nationally recognised or not. For this reason when completing the ‘subject identifier’ field under a CS Course Category or CS Course Module you need to use a different form, with a different field to represent the subject identifier. This is explained by NCVER as follows, TGA is training.gov.au:

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FAQ: Unique Student Identifier

Sunday, Dec 8, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI, Unique Student Identifier

General questions Can I go into each document and apply the step USI Verified or does it have to be done via the email & link it provides? You can, however we recommend you let CourseSales.com do the verification for you. If a document has ‘USI Reminder’ as the step then that student needs to respond with the correct details, if you get the details another way (eg they might phone you) then you should apply the step ‘USI Reminder Response’ and let CourseSales.

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Ease the pain of USI management

Sunday, Dec 1, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI, Form

CourseSales.com automaticaly verifys a student’s USI. A student enters their USI along with their name and birth date which are checked against the USI database. The step ‘USI Verified’ is applied after a successful verification. Like other steps in the workflow paths this step can then be used as a prerequsite to prevent issuing certificates to students or used to send reminders when using automated timed steps. However sometimes students don’t provide their correct USI, or don’t correct the details when verification fails.

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Bounty for new features

Tuesday, Mar 26, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Features, Development, Payment Methods

What is the bounty community? To ensure that our user community receives functions they really value we encourage our customers to effectively ‘vote’ on features by contributing to new features that would make a difference to how they operate. This can be cheaper for customers - allowing them to spread their investment across a number of new features, thereby allowing us to see what features are attractive to our customers. These features get development priority.

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Great Form Design for AVETMISS

Tuesday, Mar 5, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Form, Efficiency, Design

Completing forms is a necessary requirement when enroling students and when government reporting is required. In CourseSales.com there are many ways to reduce the pain to both customers and operators. Here are some tips that you can apply to lessen the load. Remove unnecessary fields that you don’t use or need. Customise your fields and forms to suit your organisation, leaving it clutter free and means you customers see the fields that are important to them and important to you.

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Edit a Document Topic - for outcomes and units of competency

Wednesday, Feb 13, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Document Topic, Outcome, Unit of Competency

CourseSales.com includes all Unit of Competency details on Document Topics, which are linked to Course Modules. The Document Topic is the glue between the Course Module (where Module or Unit of Competency aka subject, details are found) and the Document Topic (where student related information, like outcome, is held). It is important for AVETMISS reporting that: Course Date Topics are present on the course dates Document Topics are present on the Documents Document Topics are updated with correct information on a per Course Module basis.

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Import Enrolment and Client Records

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 by Scott Spence Import, Registration, Contact, AVETMISS

In CourseSales.com there is integrated support for importing enrolments (documents, and document topics) and clients (contacts) using spreadsheets. There is also support for importing configuration data (units of competency, etc) using other non-integrated software ie Selenium, a browser automation tool. When adopting a new Student Management System (SMS) the biggest uncertainty is migration of existing data. Each SMS uses complex data models, they determine data relationships by using business rules at the point of data entry.

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Add a Unit of Competency (Course Module)

Saturday, Mar 11, 2017 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Module, Unit of Competency, Course Topic, Document Topic

When creating a nationally accredited training course as an Registered Training Organisation (RTO) it is necessary to set up the units of compency that the student will be studying so that the outcomes and other AVEMTISS related details can be managed. To add a Unit of Competency create a course module under Publish>Options, add using the tree view of the option ‘Course Module’. Follow this animation to see how this is done (click on it to see a larger version): Modules not found in the subject list Some subjects that are considered nationally accredited training are not in the subject list - these are referred to as Modules.

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Add and Edit a Form

Wednesday, Jul 20, 2016 by Scott Spence Form, Field, AVETMISS, Add

CourseSales.com has a form builder, as well as field editor. This gives customers of CourseSales.com unprecedented control over the data they collect from customers, the assistance they provide to their course administrators and data they can gather from assessors and trainers. The following will help you navigate the form building exercise. Adding, preview and publishing a form Editing fields while editing a form - including preview of form It can be useful to see what your changes will look like, especially if you are making changes using HTML on your fields.

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Remove Special Characters

Sunday, Mar 13, 2016 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Character

AVETMISS does not accept accented characters often found in european names. You need to remove them before submission. While CourseSales.com accepts without issue accented characters, and any UTF-8 encoded characters some services, like the AVETMISS AVS submission, do not accept these characters. Replacing these with the nearest english langage equivalent seems to be the best solution. Removing accented characters from NAT files We recomend you use a free-ware application called Notepad++ (https://notepad-plus-plus.

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Make the most of CourseSales.com as a new RTO

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2015 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, RTO

When starting an RTO there is lots of new things to take into account. You have procedures, policies to organise, application forms and RTO criteria to navigate. Often RTOs engage a consultant to help with the paperwork and getting it right the first time around. It takes time to organise an audit, and considering the cost it it worthwhile getting it right. One of the things that you will need to demonstrate is your ability to validate USIs and to collect and report on AVETMISS data.

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Gather CRICOS information

Tuesday, Aug 11, 2015 by Scott Spence CRICOS, AVETMISS

The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) is a register of Australian education institutions that recruit, enrol and teach overseas students. Registration on CRICOS allows providers to offer courses to overseas students studying in Australia on student visas. CRICOS lists all Australian education providers approved to offer courses to these overseas students, and details the courses offered by these providers. Student management systems are just one contributor in CRICOS compliance obligations.

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How Contacts Work

Saturday, Apr 4, 2015 by Scott Spence Contact, Process Rule, Process Step, AVETMISS

Contacts are a record extracted from a document, usually a student. Contacts are created automatically when a process rule on a process step has the correct configuration. A contact is created either when a student’s details are finalised, access to a learning management system is required or the individual’s details need to be updated eg when new information is provided. Contact details are only created / updated when the Process Rule is executed that has the ‘create contact’ settings specified see the following process rule and notes: If a Process rule updates the document and there are no ‘Create contact’ settings on the process rule then there is no update of contact information

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Add a Course Format

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, Course Format, AVETMISS

Formats are used to describe the type of delivery, number of days and times the delivery starts and finishes eg: “Facilitated 3 day workshop 9-5 each day” or “Blended learning; 20 hours pre course and 1 day teaching with exam”. Formats are also where you can include Topics, linked to Course Modules. For those training organisations that are RTOs (government Registered Training Organisations) the Course Module is where Units of Competency (UoC) details are recorded for AVETMISS reporting.

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AVETMISS USI transcript bulk update

Monday, Jan 1, 0001 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI

You can manually update USI transcripts yourself using your avs.ncver.edu.au account. Updating in bulk is not possible, and NCVER have no date for this feature to be available. If anything it encourages RTOs to improve their AVETMISS Data reporting to not be in this situation. However there may be situations where you are in this predicament. CourseSales.com offers this service, it is: Quoted on a per delivery basis Semi-autonomous using both a person and automation tools Uses AVETMISS files that you supply Is performed with permission - you add us to your account as a user Is quicker and more accurate as it does not rely on human entry, which is prone to error.

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How to export AVETMISS NAT Files

Monday, Jan 1, 0001 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, FAQ

AVETMISS NAT files are text files that include the relevant data to submit to the https://avs.ncver.edu website for submission. Having an AVS software sign-on is required for submitting the NAT files to meet AVETMISS compliance. Keep in mind prior to exporting: Course date and registration information will be exported only from course dates marked as ‘completed’ Documents must also be linked to a valid contact to be exported Only activities with an Outcome Identifier - National will be exported.

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