AVETMISS NAT file Error Database
AVETMISS NAT file Error Database Select your NAT file and then your error number to get instructions of how to fix these. Select a AVETMISS NAT file NAT00010 NAT00010a NAT00020 NAT00030 NAT00030a NAT00060 NAT00080 NAT00085 NAT00090 NAT00100 NAT00120 NAT00130 Choose an error number 3801-Training Organisation Identifier 3830-Training Organisation Identifier 3830-Training Organisation Name 4612-Training Organisation Name 4613-Training Organisation Identifier 4645-Training Organisation Identifier 4704-Training Organisation Identifier Choose an error number 3704-State Identifier 3705-Postcode 3707-State Identifier 3801-Training Organisation Identifier 3830-Address First Line 3830-Training Organisation Identifier 3830-Training Organisation Name 4612-Training Organisation Name 4613-Training Organisation Identifier 4614-Training Organisation Type Identifier 4644-Training Organisation Name 4652-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town Choose an error number 3704-State Identifier 3705-Postcode 3707-State Identifier 3715-Country Identifier 3802-Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier 3830-Address - Suburb Locality or Town 3830-Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier 3830-Training Organisation Delivery Location Name 4500-Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier 4615-Training Organisation Identifier 4639-Postcode 4648-Country Identifier 4652-Address - Suburb Locality or Town 4665-Country Identifier 4689-Postcode Choose an error number 3401-Nominal Hours 3402-Nominal Hours 3419-Nominal Hours 3803-Program Identifier 3830-Program Identifier 3830-Program Name 4501-Program Identifier 4726-Program Identifier 4727-Program Name Choose an error number 3004-VET Flag 3401-Nominal Hours 3402-Nominal Hours 3417-ANZSCO Identifier 3418-ANZSCO Identifier 3419-Nominal Hours 3709-Program Recognition Identifier 3725-Program Field of Education Identifier 3733-Program Level of Education Identifier 3803-Program Identifier 3830-ANZSCO Identifier 3830-Program Field of Education Identifier 3830-Program Identifier 3830-Program Level of Education Identifier 3830-Program Name 3848-Program Level of Education Identifier 3851-Program Level of Education Identifier 4501-Program Identifier 4519-Program Recognition Identifier 4617-VET Flag 4646-ANZSCO Identifier 4681-Program Recognition Identifier 4699-Program Name 4741-Program Identifier Choose an error number 3004-VET Flag 3404-Nominal Hours 3420-Nominal Hours 3720-Subject Field of Education Identifier 3808-Subject Identifier 3830-Subject Identifier 3830-Subject Name 4502-Subject Identifier 4722-Subject Name 4723-Nominal Hours 4728-Subject Identifier Choose an error number 3007-Gender 3008-Indigenous Status Identifier 3009-At School Flag 3010-Disability Flag 3013-Prior Educational Achievement Flag 3201-Date Of Birth 3204-Date of Birth 3234-Date of Birth 3705-Postcode 3707-State Identifier 3708-State Identifier 3715-Country Identifier 3723-Labour Force Status Identifier 3726-Language Identifier 3740-Highest School Level Completed Identifier 3745-At School Flag 3761-Statistical Area Level 1 Identifier 3762-Statistical Area Level 2 Identifier 3811-Client Identifier 3830-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town 3830-Address Street Name 3830-Address Street Number 3832-Prior Educational Achievement Flag 3835-Date of Birth 3840-At School Flag 3853-Name for Encryption 3864-Unique Student Identifier 3865-Unique Student Identifier 3867-Unique Student Identifier 3868-Unique Student Identifier 4000-Disability Flag 4001-Prior Educational Achievement Flag 4015-Disability Flag 4016-Prior Educational Achievement Flag 4503-Client Identifier 4618-Indigenous Status Identifier 4619-Client Identifier 4649-Client Identifier 4652-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town 4692-Client Identifier 4701-State Identifier 4730-Client Identifier 4731-Survey contact status 4732-Survey contact status 4733-Survey contact status 4734-Name for Encryption 4735-Unique Student Identifier 4744-Unique Student Identifier 4746-Unique Student Identifier 4750-Unique student identifier Choose an error number 3705-Postcode 3706-Postcode 3707-State Identifier 3811-Client Identifier 3830-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town 3830-Address Street Name 3833-Address Street Number 3837-Address Street Name 4007-Client Identifier 4630-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town 4631-Client First Given Name 4631-Client Last Name 4633-Telephone Number [Home] 4633-Telephone Number [Mobile] 4633-Telephone Number [Work] 4635-Email Address 4635-Email Address [alternative] 4637-Client Last Name 4652-Address - Suburb, Locality or Town 4690-Telephone Number [mobile] 4701-State Identifier Choose an error number 3718-Disability Type Identifier 3812-Client Identifier 4000-Client Identifier 4007-Client Identifier Choose an error number 3731-Prior Educational Achievement Identifier 3813-Client Identifier 4001-Client Identifier 4007-Client Identifier Choose an error number 3005-Commencing Program Identifier 3210-Activity Start Date 3211-Activity Start Date 3212-Activity Start Date 3213-Activity End Date 3214-Activity End Date 3216-Activity Start Date 3251-Activity End Date 3252-Activity End Date 3253-Activity End Date 3260-Outcome Identifier - National 3261-Delivery Mode Identifier 3716-Delivery Mode Identifier 3727-Outcome Identifier - National 3742-Funding Source - National 3747-Funding Source - National 3823-Commencing Program Identifier 3824-Commencing Program Identifier 3830-Outcome Identifier - National 3869-Subject Identifier 3870-Subject Identifier 4006-Program Identifier 4007-Client Identifier 4010-Subject Identifier 4011-Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier 4620-Training Contract Identifier 4622-Training Contract Identifier 4623-Training Contract Identifier 4624-Client Identifier - Apprenticeships 4643-Program Identifier 4651-Study Reason Identifier 4684-Funding Source - National 4685-Specific Funding Identifier 4691-VET In Schools Flag 4693-Client Identifier 4694-Specific Funding Identifier 4696-Specific Funding Identifier 4700-Funding Source - National 4725-Funding Source - national 4729-Subject Identifier 4736-Client Identifier 4737-Activity End Date 4738-Activity End Date 4739-Activity End Date 4740-Commencing Program Identifier 4742-Commencing Program Identifier 4747-Outcome identifier - national 4748-Program identifier 4749-Subject identifier 4751-Funding Source - National 4754-Subject identifier 4755-Subject identifier 4756-Multiple Successful Completions Choose an error number 3217-Date Program Completed 3241-Date Program Completed 3241-Date Program Completed 3242-Date Program Completed 3250-Issued Flag 4006-Program Identifier 4007-Client Identifier 4009-Program Identifier 4017-Client Identifier 4518-Client Identifier 4518-Client Identifier 4526-Training Organisation Identifier Rule: If blank or not a valid value (also cannot be OSPC or @@@@) and Training organisation identifier cannot be found on TGA Error: Postcode must not be blank or invalid.
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