Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Thursday, Mar 19, 2020

CourseSales.com already has the USI functionality (that is we can accept a USI from a student, and associate it with the student record). When using CourseSales.com this is the process:

Accepting a USI

The field AVETMISS Unique Student Identifier includes the following validation options:

  • AVETMISS 7.0 USI this verifies just against the USI format specification for AVETMISS 7.0 ie. including SHORT, not including 0, O, I or 1 etc. It does not validated the name, birth date and USI.
  • AVETMISS 8.0 USI this verifies just against the USI format specification for AVETMISS 8.0 ie. excluding SHORT, not including 0, O, I or 1 etc. It does not validated the name, birth date and USI.
  • AVETMISS 8.0 USI Lookup this does a complete validation of the USI, using the name and date of birth.

Verifying a USI format

Format must match: All characters are a combination of upper case (A—H, J—N, P—Z) and numbers (2—9), and will not include the characters ‘0’, 1’, ‘I’ or ‘O’.
The Unique student identifier must be exactly ten digits long.

Applying for a USI

The student clicks a link which displays a pop-up at the point of course registration to create their own USI. Optionally an RTO can offer to create a student’s USI. A copy of the identification (or accurate information such as numbers and expiry dates) are required to complete the application. See how to make USI validation and gathering more efficient.

Verifying a USI

CourseSales.com can be set up to automatically validate USIs after submission (this should be used whether or not you use the field validation AVETMISS 8.0 USI Lookup). To set up the necessary process steps and export for validating the USI, and getting students to correct these automatically visit Automatic USI Verification which describes how to set this up.

Students must be aged 11 and older to have a USI, to apply validation ensure that the field is mandatory on submission and uses the validation “AVETMISS 7.0 Date of Birth”. Edit the form or subform to make the field mandatory and remember to publish the form.

To assist with validating the accuracy of the number entered the USI field can have the validation AVETMISS 8.0 USI added to it (use that same validation unless there is a higher AVETMISS level version available- validations are only created for new AVETMISS versions when there are changes. This validation tool uses the following criteria (this is not USI database validation, but rule-based validation):

CourseSales.com also supports the following USI Exemption Classification Codes:


RTOs who deliver training to international off shore students, not studying in Australia, will now be required to use the code ‘INTOFF’ (international offshore) into the USI field for their AVETMISS submission with a collection year. If you use INTOFF, it checks that you have OSPC for the postcode and if you have OSPC as the postcode, you must have ‘99’ in the state field. INTOFF is only for delivery occurring ‘offshore’. International students studying in Australia require a USI.


clients who have individual exemptions from the Unique Student Identifier (USI) scheme for genuine personal reasons use this standardised exemption code. RTOs MUST sight the exemption document issued by the USI Office for each of these students.Exempted clients reported with the ‘INDIV’ code instead of a USI will not be able to obtain a USI transcript from the USI Registrar.


  • CourseSales.com creates a USI field when you choose to generate your AVETMISS fields and forms (if you have manage permissions for forms you will see this option).

  • You can use the USI as an identifier within CourseSales.com when a student registers, we recommend you do this ONLY once you have verified the USI, see how to link enrolments to contacts.

  • RTOs need to register first by visiting the Department of Industry to get access to the USI system website. This will give you the credentials and access to apply for and confirm USIs for students.

How to work out which students have not verified their USI

Use the status history to search for those who have not verified their USI: See how you can use status history to get a completion report for USI.

Catering for students who have just one name (not two!)

CourseSales.com can be configured to verify students with one name. To cater for single name individuals visit our how do page for USI setup: Catering for students with single names.


  • AVETMISS files will now have the first name duplicated into the last name: this is an ASQA requirement read more NCVER AVETMISS Guidance.
  • Where the last name variables is used in email and PDFs (eg invoices, certificates, SoAs) the last name field will be blank.
  • Depending on how you match document to contacts this could have an effect on matching enrolments/documents to student contact records.

What is the USI?

Video for students: