
Validate Address, Postcode, Suburb and State

Sunday, Feb 23, 2020 by Scott Spence Form, Validate, Address, Postcode

It is important to have accurate data for addresses. Currently we have a full list of Australian postcodes and localities, however we can setup the same databases for other countries - just let us know which you need, and send us the databases if you have them. Skills required Adding new fields Editing forms Creating the fields If you have AVETMISS fields already created then they already exist! The only field you really need to create (and is not part of the default AVETMISS set) is the Autocomplete postcode list.

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Taking and making student enrolments

Monday, Dec 9, 2019 by Scott Spence Enrolment, Form

Enrolment process: one enrolment step, or multiple steps? One enrolment step may seem simple but, depending on the amount of field it may also be daunting for the person filling out the information. To reduce the barrier to purchasing it might be sensible to have a brief form to gather necessary payment information, eg: Name, email, agreement to terms and payment method, and then follow up shortly afterwards with a request to complete the registration - prefilling with the existing data a form that gathers more information, eg government statistical information such as AVETMISS data and address details to send certificates to.

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Ease the pain of USI management

Sunday, Dec 1, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI, Form automaticaly verifys a student’s USI. A student enters their USI along with their name and birth date which are checked against the USI database. The step ‘USI Verified’ is applied after a successful verification. Like other steps in the workflow paths this step can then be used as a prerequsite to prevent issuing certificates to students or used to send reminders when using automated timed steps. However sometimes students don’t provide their correct USI, or don’t correct the details when verification fails.

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Adding and Editing Fields

Friday, Sep 27, 2019 by Scott Spence Add, Edit, Field, Form

The form builder in distinguishes it from most student management systems. By being able to have different forms for different process paths and different process steps an organisation can gather the right information for specific occasions. This flexibility extends to the fields used to create the forms. These range from content, usually HTML messages that might vary by course, to uploading files to store with the registration and contact (if a document) or the status (if via a process step).

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Setup an Assessment

Tuesday, Apr 23, 2019 by Scott Spence Form, Assessment, Process Step

It can be useful to assess students before, during or after a course. Our assessment plugin is fully functional for including images, submission of partly correct answers, variable weighting of questions, alerts when options select are incorrect and triggering pass and fail process steps. A pass mark can be set, and a different process step used if the student fails. If set at 100% and there is no ‘fail’ process step set the assessment does not submit until the required pass mark is achieved.

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Great Form Design for AVETMISS

Tuesday, Mar 5, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Form, Efficiency, Design

Completing forms is a necessary requirement when enroling students and when government reporting is required. In there are many ways to reduce the pain to both customers and operators. Here are some tips that you can apply to lessen the load. Remove unnecessary fields that you don’t use or need. Customise your fields and forms to suit your organisation, leaving it clutter free and means you customers see the fields that are important to them and important to you.

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Autofill of Forms

Friday, Nov 2, 2018 by Scott Spence Form, Autofill

Login forms are being filled in automatically with the wrong information This might seem like a issue actually this is because your browser’s auto fill function is adding data to the login edit pages. See You might also want to check any addons or password managers that you are using - they can also auto fill forms that you don’t expect.

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Adding Functions for Assessments

Tuesday, Sep 4, 2018 by Scott Spence Assessment, JavaScript, Form

Confirmation before submitting assessments When you only give a limited number of attempts to a student each submission is valuable, to ensure that students are aware that they are submitting the form and therefore will use up one of these attempts it it worthwhile giving them notification of this. Use this code to do so. $(document).ready(function() { // Confirmation alert before submitting assessment forms $("input[name='btnSubmit']").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var wrnMsg= $('#formScoreMessage').text(); var alertStr= 'Please confirm you want to SUBMIT your homework for marking by Clever Training.

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What to do when changing Field types or removing Fields

Wednesday, Jul 11, 2018 by Scott Spence Form, Field

Sometimes when your data requirements change you need to modify the way that values are gathered, eg moving an address from a multiline text field to a set of single line text field. There is also occasions when removing data completely is necessary. The following are suggestions of how to deal with this. There is no data manipulation management tool within for you to automatically move from say two fields and merge into one field.

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Saturday, Jun 23, 2018 by Scott Spence Form

Do you want to change the order of forms when adding a document? Then change the order of the process step in the process path, eg move ‘import’ forms and steps to the bottom, so the forms go to the bottom of the list! Did you know that you can hide multiple sections within a form by including a comma between multiple section ids eg survey,invoice Did you know that you can use a field which has a blank content to put a sub form into a box?

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Show or Hide Terms and other Content

Friday, Jun 22, 2018 by Scott Spence Content, Form, Interaction

It is not possible to include javascript code directly within content created by however it is possible to specify styles and then add code to external files that are used to provide additional functionality. To hide some text just below a ‘Click to read more’ link eg Terms & Conditions or catalog item description include the following: The content within should look like this (view the source of the content/description to see the div tags):

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Setup Summary and Name of Registation List, Document List and Contact List

Monday, Jan 15, 2018 by Scott Spence Form, Registration List

There are a number of places where checking Name or Summary on the field from within the form will display the information, here is a summary: Document Form Summary - Document List, Registration List (admin and Trainer Portal), Document Status, Documents by Course Date Name - External form Contact Form Summary - Contact List Name - In the autoselect drop down when adding, editing or viewing a document, ie contact selection, if you want to search by middle name then middle name should be ‘name’ on the contact form.

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Save Draft

Thursday, Dec 28, 2017 by Scott Spence Form, Draft, Quiz, Theming, CSS

Process steps and rules can be applied differently to submitted forms and draft forms, this allows a student to submit a partial booking, in preparation to a full submission. Document forms In the case of a document the use of the “save draft allows the following scenario: Student wishes to attend a course and begins a registration/enrolment form. Within the form there is a field that requires upload of an identification file, or a purchase order for payment is required.

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360 degree surveys and reports to validate training

Thursday, Nov 10, 2016 by Scott Spence Survey, Form, Automation

In human resources or industrial psychology, 360-degree feedback , also known as multi-rater feedback, multi source feedback, or multi source assessment, is a process utilized by organizations to solicit information from a variety of workplace sources on an employee’s work-related behavior and/or performance. Most often, information solicited in a 360-degree feedback process will include feedback from an employee’s subordinates, peers (colleagues), and supervisor(s), as well as a self-evaluation by the employee him or herself.

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Add and Edit a Form

Wednesday, Jul 20, 2016 by Scott Spence Form, Field, AVETMISS, Add has a form builder, as well as field editor. This gives customers of unprecedented control over the data they collect from customers, the assistance they provide to their course administrators and data they can gather from assessors and trainers. The following will help you navigate the form building exercise. Adding, preview and publishing a form Editing fields while editing a form - including preview of form It can be useful to see what your changes will look like, especially if you are making changes using HTML on your fields.

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Working with Extranet pages

Tuesday, Mar 15, 2016 by Scott Spence Extranet, Form, Workflow, Automation

Extranet pages are used to gather information and trigger process steps. These pages are associated to process steps on the process path. Adding the extranet links into emails create a one-use link that can get confirmations such as trainer availability, confirming an address is correct before sending a certificate, or getting confirmation from a trainer that a student has passed competency. To add extranet links into an email and customised the appearance or functionality you can add ‘&css=xxx.

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Make a postcode mandatory for Queensland only

Thursday, Feb 5, 2015 by Scott Spence Field, Form, Postcode, Validation

When wanting to ensure that a registration comes from Queensland (perhaps for funding purposes) you may find the QLD Postcode Validator useful. Edit your postcode field, ensure the field is of type ‘Integer’ and choose the validator “Queensland Postcode” Edit the Form or subform to make the field mandatory Save and publish the form (not subform) to make the changes take effect. Note

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What is the form field type 'Export'

Sunday, Oct 26, 2014 by Scott Spence FAQ, Form, Field, Export

This field is used with Options. Sometimes the information we want to export comes from Options. It is not always appropriate to use the Option Name as the export value, so as an alternative the text in the Export Field can be used. Let’s assume there is a Location for Brisbane with an Export Field value of BNE If we used the Option Name it would be: Brisbane Queensland Australia If we used the Export Field value it would be: BNE

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VET Fee Help

Tuesday, Sep 16, 2014 by Scott Spence VET Fee, Form

Fields to include in your forms You may wish to include the an eligibility disclaimer content field: To be eligible for VET FEE-HELP assistance you must either be an Australian citizen or a resident on a permanent humanitarian visa. You require a Tax File Number (TFN) to apply for deferred payment. If you don’t remember yours, call the Tax Office on 13 28 61 between 8AM and 6PM, Monday - Friday.

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Setup Defaults on Fields

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 by Scott Spence Form, Field, Default

Navigate to Forms/Fields and edit your choosen field. You can create defaults for the following fields: Autocomplete Autocomplete internal Lookup list Lookup list internal Payment methods Radio Radio internal Note Defaults do not currently support multiple defaults, if you need a default for the same field in different courses/locations etc you should use CSS and JS customisations or administration customisation Note

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Troubleshooting Fields, Forms and Contacts

Tuesday, Apr 29, 2014 by Scott Spence Contact, Field, Form

Use the following check list to analyze why some information in fields might be lost, contacts are not being created or forms are not working as expected: Check that you are using EXACTLY the same field if you want the data to carry through from one form to the next. The contact form receiving the data from the document form must NOT have any mandatory fields that are not also mandatory on the the document form, a sensible way to ensure this is not an issue is to make NO fields on the contact form mandatory

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Make Registration Forms Easy and Intuitive

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Form

The easier it is to book the less likely customers will turn to your competitors. Having a booking form that asks the least information possible is one way to make the registration process easy and intuitive. Registration forms in can hide sections in a form based on selections the customer has made. For example if your customer is paying for the course themselves you don’t need invoice details.

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Record data eg. exam results

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Capture Data, Form, Process Step

Step 1. Create a Process step Visit Automation/Steps/New Note: Name is used in the management of of Process Steps, linking them to process rules etc, eg. Exam results Short Title is used when viewing the status of a course date or document (registration/enquiry) you are limited to 6 letters or numbers, eg. Results Title is the Label used when the course administrator views the process step in the drop down list when updating a document or course date, eg.

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Setup an Evaluation Form

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Form, Evaluation

Step 1 Design the form to include the form fields and guidance, on a whiteboard, paper or use an existing evaluation form TIP When devising the form try to use consistent names, eg. call your trainer a trainer or facilitator, or presenter, but not all of them. It helps the participant who is completing the form. Step 2 Create process steps “Send evaluation form” and “Completed evaluation form” Step 3 Create fields for the evaluation form, eg.

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