Extranet pages are used to gather information and trigger process steps. These pages are associated to process steps on the process path. Adding the extranet links into emails create a one-use link that can get confirmations such as trainer availability, confirming an address is correct before sending a certificate, or getting confirmation from a trainer that a student has passed competency.
To add extranet links into an email and customised the appearance or functionality you can add ‘&css=xxx.css&js=yyy.js" to the variable.
Where [shortname] is your company’s CourseSales.com shortname eg “ccl” from ccl.coursesales.com):
Within the email include the following HTML:
This will be translated into something like this (based on your settings):
[short name].coursesales.com/extranet/step?DocumentExternalId=V818S2V&StatusStepId=1645&ProcessStepID=1409&exCde=e9EPIGPiI8CUg&h=1&js=generic5.js