Adding and Editing Fields

Friday, Sep 27, 2019 by Scott Spence Add, Edit, Field, Form

The form builder in distinguishes it from most student management systems. By being able to have different forms for different process paths and different process steps an organisation can gather the right information for specific occasions. This flexibility extends to the fields used to create the forms. These range from content, usually HTML messages that might vary by course, to uploading files to store with the registration and contact (if a document) or the status (if via a process step).

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Adding a Document (registration/enquiry) based on a Contact

Wednesday, Feb 13, 2019 by Scott Spence Add, Contact, Document keeps registration details in documents, and customer details in contact records. Contact records can be created automatically at registration, and then used to pre-populate registration forms when the administrator wishes to add a contact to a course. Step 1 Go to contacts, and click the green plus sign button to add a document to a Course Date Step 2 Choose to filter the display your preferred Course Date

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Add a Course Date

Wednesday, Feb 13, 2019 by Scott Spence Add, Course Date, Course Master

Courses are organised into course masters and course date. A course master is the template for all the course dates under it. Course dates use course master information as default or as defined on the course master. See details below about what information is used as default, to be edited, and what can only be found on the course master. There are two main ways you can add a course date:

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Add a role

Friday, Dec 7, 2018 by Scott Spence Add, Login, Role

Roles allow you to control who gets access to what when they log into Roles also allow you to add individuals to receive emails. For example to send a trainer an email he or she must have the role trainer and be linked to the course master or course date. This instructional video shows you how create a new role, add permissions to that role and then link the role to a login.

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Add a Qualification for a Student

Monday, Dec 5, 2016 by Scott Spence Add, Qualification

Student qualifications are added to a student’s contact record. Assuming the qualification is set up (under publish>options) you can it to a student by editing the contact, scrolling to the bottom and select the relevant qualification. If you need to add a new Qualification option because you don’t see the Qualification available in the lookup list when attempting to add it to the contact you can add one in Publish>Options>Qualifications

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Add and Edit a Form

Wednesday, Jul 20, 2016 by Scott Spence Form, Field, AVETMISS, Add has a form builder, as well as field editor. This gives customers of unprecedented control over the data they collect from customers, the assistance they provide to their course administrators and data they can gather from assessors and trainers. The following will help you navigate the form building exercise. Adding, preview and publishing a form Editing fields while editing a form - including preview of form It can be useful to see what your changes will look like, especially if you are making changes using HTML on your fields.

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Add an Email and attach a PDF

Tuesday, Aug 5, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, Email, PDF

Create an email by visiting Publish>Content>Add - then select ‘email’ as the content type. This will show two content fields, Subject and Body. Edit the content and include the necessary information as required To send the email template add this to a process rule - where you will specify which role to send the email to and which role to send it from. You may also wish to include images in the email, include files and attach a PDF to the email.

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Add a Catalog Item

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, Catalog Item

Create the catalog item Ensure the catalog is the correct currency Link to masters Add ‘catalog’ to the form Test by purchasing the item along side a registration Note Which Course Masters you link the Catalog Items to depends completely on what you think makes sense: linking a beginner Computer Based Training product to an intermediate course seems sensible as the person could complete both levels.

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Add a Course Category

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, Course Category

Navigate to Publish>Options View the course category in tree mode Add by right clicking, or edit the course category, adding descriptions as necessary Note: Consider how you will group your categories, eg you might wish to use the following hierarchy: Tip: Use ‘include in name’ on top level categories to avoid having names that are too long, eg having ‘include in name’ checked on the ‘Microsoft Word’ category means when using the ‘Intermediate’ course category it displays as ‘Microsoft Word Intermediate’ in emails or PDFs.

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Add a Course Description

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, Course Description

Navigate to Publish>Content Add content with the content type “Course Description” Enter as much or as little information as necessary, usually ‘short content’ is the description used to put into emails. Save the description as ‘Active’. Note: Use the contextualised help (top right) for more information about the fields.

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Add a Course Format

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, Course Format, AVETMISS

Formats are used to describe the type of delivery, number of days and times the delivery starts and finishes eg: “Facilitated 3 day workshop 9-5 each day” or “Blended learning; 20 hours pre course and 1 day teaching with exam”. Formats are also where you can include Topics, linked to Course Modules. For those training organisations that are RTOs (government Registered Training Organisations) the Course Module is where Units of Competency (UoC) details are recorded for AVETMISS reporting.

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Add a Course Master

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, Course Master

A course master is like the template for a group of course dates that participants register for training. Reasons to set up a new course master include; selling in a new currency, a different course format eg. weekend vs weekday, a different process path, eg. private vs public. These are NOT reasons to set up a new course master: New location ie. just create a new venue, new date ie.

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Add and Edit a Process Step

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Process Step, Add, Edit, Workflow

Process steps can be used in to send email to students, you need a process step, which indicates the workflow point, a process rule, which tells what to do and an email, which is what is being done. This instructional video shows you how to send a reminder email to students about a course, and include the venue details in an email.

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Add and Edit a Venue

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Venue, Add, Location

Set up the necessary locations Navigate to Publish>Venues Complete the form with as much information as available To add even more detail to your venues Get a list of those live locations/venues used in scheduled courses Systematically go through the venues list to check that each live venue has a the correct co-ordinates (check the map suggestion against the address)

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Add Files to Emails

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, File, Email

Create a file category Upload the file to (content>files>new) Link the file to the file category Edit then link the file to the course master Link the file category to the email How do I create a file category? Publish>Options Click on the tree view (forth icon from left) for ‘File categories’

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Add Tax Rules

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, Tax Rule

Tax rules allow you to modify the tax applied by course or location, furthermore using tax rule types you can group taxes to be applicable, catering for future tax changes. This instructional video shows you how to create tax rules and to link them to course masters by using tax rule types.

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