Add an Email and attach a PDF

Tuesday, Aug 5, 2014

Create an email by visiting Publish>Content>Add - then select ‘email’ as the content type. This will show two content fields, Subject and Body. Edit the content and include the necessary information as required To send the email template add this to a process rule - where you will specify which role to send the email to and which role to send it from. You may also wish to include images in the email, include files and attach a PDF to the email. Read further about adding a PDF to an email. If you wish to know how works out who to send emails to - based on roles set at Course Masters and Course Dates. Note that emails can include fields from documents and other items related to the courses that you set up.

Adding a PDF to an email.

The steps to adding a PDF to an email are:

  1. Create the PDF template in Publish/content/add, then save

  2. Edit and link the PDF template to the required forms (at the based of editing the PDF template)

  3. Create then edit the email template you wish to attach the PDF to.

  4. Link the PDF to the email template (at the based of editing the email template)

  5. Providing that the email is associated to a process rule, which is associated to a process step, the email should be sent with the PDF attached.


PDF is attached but blank

  • This can occur if text has been copied from a word processor or website into the PDF

  • The HTML to PDF generator does not like HTML Name encoded characters as are listed here:

  • Edit the email template’s HTML text and remove any characters that you suspect might be causing the HTML to PDF convertor to fail.

  • Keep in mind that the content may come from course descriptions or other sources depending on what variables you are using in the PDF template.

PDF is not attached

  • Check the 'Status Preview' popup by clicking on the magnifying glass+ icon, and confirm that the PDF template is mentioned as being attached to the email. Read more here

  • If there is no PDF included in the status usually this means that there is a break in the links between “PDF template -> Form -> email template -> process rule”

  • First check that the PDF refers to the correct form(s), the email template links to the correct PDF, then that the process rule refers to the correct email.

  • Keep in mind that the PDF, email, process rule and process step must all be ‘active’, not ‘draft’ nor ‘inactive’

Here are troubleshooting steps if the email is not attached as you would expect:

  1. Edit the document

  2. Use the + mag glass button to find the Email

  3. Edit the email to confirm that the PDF is linked.

  4. Edit the PDF, confirm it has the correct forms linked to it.

Beyond that confirm that the PDF could actually be produced (sometimes HTML in the PDF content can cause the PDF creation to fail.)

Email is not sent

  • This is unlikely to do with the PDF, even if the PDF contains spurious characters that mean the HTML to PDF generator fails the email is still sent

  • Check the ‘status’ popup by clicking on the magnifying glass+ icon, and confirm that the email addresses are correct, and that the correct email template is associated with the process step

  • Did you tick ‘send emails’ when you saved or applied the process step?