Course Master

How are documents changed to completed in the document list?

Monday, Nov 4, 2019 by Scott Spence FAQ, Course Master, Course Date, DOcument

How are documents changed to completed in the document list? The course dates are scheduled or completed based on the ‘Completed Date’ on the course master of the course date eg: a value of -2 will change the courses from scheduled to completed two days before the course date start. This is run as a service called ‘course expiry’ - which you can disable if you wish, this means that to remove the documents from the list of scheduled courses you would need to manually change the courses from scheduled to completed.

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Add a Course Date

Wednesday, Feb 13, 2019 by Scott Spence Add, Course Date, Course Master

Courses are organised into course masters and course date. A course master is the template for all the course dates under it. Course dates use course master information as default or as defined on the course master. See details below about what information is used as default, to be edited, and what can only be found on the course master. There are two main ways you can add a course date:

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Change a Course Master of a Course Date

Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016 by Scott Spence Course Master, Course Date

If a Course Date changes, eg from a public to inhouse course or from one Course Category to another it might be useful to change the Course Master. The benefit of this method may depend on what you are trying to achieve and your configuration differences between the two Course Masters. It might save you time over other options: Creating a new Course Date and transferring all students from the original Course Date - not recommended.

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Course Master List

Friday, Jul 17, 2015 by Scott Spence Course Master, List

Under Publish>Masters you will see a list of active course masters. The courses are grouped alphabetically by provider by course category then as a list using the course master name (not label). Price is ‘Our Price’ on the course date (this reflects any price rules applied) You can either have a public or private course The buttons are: View the course master, provided a non-editable view of the course master details

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Links, What they are and how they work

Tuesday, Jun 16, 2015 by Scott Spence Link, Table Link, Course Master, Course Date, Login, Email, PDF

In some records can be linked, for example People can be linked to a course master, so that emails come from or get sent to those people who have the specified role. PDFs can be linked to emails so that the PDF is attached to the email when it is sent to the recipient. Linking is a non-permanent way to relate one aspect of to another. Links are infact the only think that you can ‘remove’ or ‘delete’ from CourseSales.

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Update Course Information Quickly

Sunday, Apr 27, 2014 by Scott Spence Course Master, Coures Date

Updating courses should be easy and quick. When editing information in you can view, edit, or add directly from the forms. Want to add a special message in a course description for customers to see immediately - just use the edit icon and have it done in seconds.

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Add a Course Master

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, Course Master

A course master is like the template for a group of course dates that participants register for training. Reasons to set up a new course master include; selling in a new currency, a different course format eg. weekend vs weekday, a different process path, eg. private vs public. These are NOT reasons to set up a new course master: New location ie. just create a new venue, new date ie.

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