
Setup CourseSales.com

Tuesday, Sep 15, 2015 by Scott Spence Setup, Configuration, Overview

Congratulations for just purchasing a license to CourseSales.com! This information aims to make the move smooth and hassle free. We offer the following options for new subscribers: Some of what you do Some of what we do Full configuration Giving you our full support:You approve our plans for the configurationYou provide us with information, access to your systems, exported data and necessary authorityYou provide data in a format that can be imported, eg spreadsheets, not PDF schedulesYou clean any data to be importedYou test and confirm configurations are suitable; verify, validate, and approve In addition to below in ‘Managed configuration’ and ‘Self configuration’:We create necessary scripts for migrationWe test the data for cleanliness and suitability for importWe provide up to 7 additional instructional videos Managed configuration In addition to the above in “Full configuration”Once we have imported the data you have provided/provided by Training.

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Monday, Jun 15, 2015 by Scott Spence Overview, Navigation

When greeted with a screen there are a number of terms and areas on each screen that are useful to recognize. There are two main type of screens that are worth considering; The list screen, and the edit screen. List screen Here you will see the following items: Log out button By clicking here you end your session. If your permissions have changed then logging back in will apply those permissions.

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Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Overview, Terminology

Course Master The template containing all the default pricing, category, description, trainer and catalog information from which the course dates are created. Course date Created from course masters it only needs to have a date and venue to be created, everything else required is found in the course master, eg price, cost, course description, roles to receive emails, process paths, course category etc Document Similar to a registration, enquiry, submission, these are the records that are entered into CourseSales.

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