
Saturday, Apr 26, 2014

Course Master

The template containing all the default pricing, category, description, trainer and catalog information from which the course dates are created.

Course date

Created from course masters it only needs to have a date and venue to be created, everything else required is found in the course master, eg price, cost, course description, roles to receive emails, process paths, course category etc


Similar to a registration, enquiry, submission, these are the records that are entered into CourseSales.com following a completed document form. The document is for a particular course date, and linked to a contact. Identified uniquely by an external ID.


Student, client or customer who will be attending a course date, is the person on the document, and often has an associated contact record.

Delegate costs

The costs that are incurred when a delegate (participant or student) attends a course, like text books and food.

Process Steps

A individual workflow activities that can lead to different actions, eg Registration (the process step) could lead to different actions: issuing Moodle access details, or not depending on if the course has an e-learning component, these are the process rules

Process Rules

The actions carried out based on the configuration and any limitations to course categories, locations or providers.

Process Paths

The workflow grouping of process steps carried out for a Document or Course Date. Process paths are defined at the course master for a course date but can be modified by those with document manage permissions.

Document process path may include

  1. Enquire
  2. Register
  3. Attend
  4. Evaluation
  5. Cancel

A Course Date process path may include

  1. Book the trainer
  2. Book the venue
  3. Order exams
  4. Deliver course
  5. Trainer evaluation.

Course category

The name for a course topic or subject, eg. Microsoft Word or First Aid. Categories can have sub categories like First Aid Beginners or Spreadsheet Advanced.


Used on content items and other artifacts, how we refer to a record within CourseSales.com when we are configuring it


What a user of CourseSales.com will see when they are administering courses and customers or what the customer will see when viewing items or emails


Catalog is a list of catalog items which can be added to a catalog group then included on a course for sale or to offer discounts


Is a record created from a document that usually refers to the student details from a registration form.

Course Module

Linked to a topic it defines a body of learning to be completed, it can span a number of topics which are subsequently included in Formats.

Course Price Type

These are defined categories of prices, usually representing discount levels such as silver, gold, platinum but can also represent individual corporate customers or resellers.

Course Provider

Is the training organisation that the course is associated to, useful for reselling purposes, emails, course masters and emails can vary based on the course provider.

File Category

Groups of files that should be included in emails if attached to the respective course master of the course date the document is linked to.


Is the group of permissions allocated to a Login and therefore restricts View, Edit, Add, Manager or Remove permissions on different records


A group term for anything within CourseSales.com: a course category, course master, course date, tax group etc.. Records can be given permissions which control the access and security of those who have usernames and passwords.

Tax Rule Type

Taxes can be grouped and applied to different jurisdictions, used where State and Federal sales taxes may apply.


A group of course dates that is managed as a unit, as a result Registration lists show students from all courses in the same event, and viewing the documents within CourseSales.com shows all the documents for all course dates of an event.


Where a training organisation has a number of sales branches, enabling unique Logins to receive or send emails, tailored headers and footers to emails & PDFs


Collection of topics and possibly course modules, with schedule information such as start and end times and dates of delivery. Can also include the style of delivery of the course, eg face to face, e-learning.


These are records that can be included in emails based on their criteria such as provider, location and course category. They can be accumulative and excluded from different communications.