Embed the Course List on your site using an IFrame

Friday, Mar 3, 2017

It is recommend that you considering using our WordPress plugin, the Easy embedded public pages list technique or link directly to the public pages instead. Embedded i-frames are tricky to manage, non-responsive, suffer from cross-domain limitations (payment methods like paypal don’t like being in i-frames) and designers wince when they might have to work with them. You can include i-frames in your website which are ‘windows’ on your web pages, usually with scroll bars with CourseSales.com pages inside them.

You can customised the look and feel through modification of a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) eg. fonts, colours and layouts. You can use the following iframe code to embed your course listing, adding variables to the link from above as required to display the courses you wish:

<iframe src="https://cs.coursesales.com/public/courses?h=1" width=650 height=400></iframe>

You can specify further details from the items above to limit the courses displayed to specific locations, course categories or dates. Follow this link to learn more about what you can do with iframes: HTML <iframe> Tag at W3 school