Swagger Definition
Refer to the swagger file for a full definition
Secure Web Service
This web service requires a CourseSales.com secure web services user. It should only be used in server-side applications.
Query Parameters
you may supply any of these parameters:
exportQueueId Integer - the Id of a particular Export Queue record
exportQueueStatusId Integer - the Id of a particular Status record
exportQueueCourseDateId Integer - the Id of a particular Course Date
exportQueueDocumentId Integer - the Id of a particular Document - note this is not the External Id
exportQueueCourseCategoryId Integer - the Id of a particular Course Category (Option)
exportQueueProviderId Integer - the Id of a particular Course Provider (Option)
exportQueueLocationId Integer - the Id of a particular Location (Option)
exportQueueType String - one of “FTP”, “CSV Queue”, “AVETMISS 70 NAT0010”, “AVETMISS 70 NAT0020”, “AVETMISS 70 NAT0030”, “AVETMISS 70 NAT0060”, “AVETMISS 70 NAT0080”, “AVETMISS 70 NAT0085”, “AVETMISS 70 NAT0090”, “AVETMISS 70 NAT0100”, “AVETMISS 70 NAT0120”, “AVETMISS 70 NAT0130”
exportQueueStatus String - one of “Not Processed”, “Processed”, “Failed”, “Being Processed”
exportQueueTimestampCreated SQL Datetime - will return records created on or after this datetime
exportQueueTimestampProcessed SQL Datetime - will return records created on or after this datetime
$request = array();
$request['Export Queue'] = array();
$request['exportQueueType'] = 'AVETMISS 70 NAT0010';