How to export to the Export Queue

Wednesday, Sep 2, 2015

You can create export maps, which then get added to the export queue and can then be queried via the API or other automation tools. It is only possible to export from a process step on a document or a Course Date. So if you need to export something on a per course date basis create a Document step eg ‘Create Facebook Group - ONCE per course’ that clearly indicates it should only be run once on a Course Date not a per Document basis.

Export Maps

These can be run on a process rule, creating a subset and as necessary transposed set of data from existing fields.

Export Queue

If you export to the export queue, eg CSV Queue, you can locate all one type of export using the Map Number eg Map17, and can filter by which have not yet been processed.

Note that the Time created and Time processed are UTC (GMT) not local time.

Transform Date

When transforming a date use the PHP standard. For example if you wish to send a date that is like this: 4/31/1973 (for the 31st of April 1973) then use this format: n/j/o

See also Dates as variables in Exports, PDF and Email


When running multiple queries using, for example, Selenium on multiple servers change the status to ‘Being processed’, use the Export Identifier and optionally add a comment to distinguish between the different servers. Filtering as necessary to track which should be edited or which are causing issues.

When exporting Agreed Price be sure that the document has a Payment Method field and that a payment method is selected on it. Without a Payment Method field the Agreed Price will not be exported. With no Payment Method selected a formatted Agreed Price will not be exported.