
Setup Transfer Out and Transfer In

Monday, Feb 27, 2017 by Scott Spence Workflow, Transfer, Process Path, Process Step

Being able to quickly transfer a customer from one course to another is a valuable feature within You can set up different transfer arrangements to suit your different cases, raise invoices etc. Basic transfer out/transfer in for a registration/enrollment Just two process steps are necessary in each case, these must be set up to use the ‘transfer out’ and ‘transfer in’ internal type respectively. Using Process Rules Each step set up in the above basic Transfer Out/Transfer In configuration can have a process step associated to it.

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Transfer a Student to Another Course

Thursday, May 21, 2015 by Scott Spence Transfer, Student, Participant, Delegate, Course Date

For what ever reason you will at some point need to transfer a document from one course to another. provides an easy way to do this, which, in a few clicks can get the document ie registration, to another course. There are catches however depending on your configuration, which we cover here to ensure your experience is smooth and painless. If you need to transfer a document (registration) of a participant to another course:

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