Registration List

Attendance tracking

Saturday, May 12, 2018 by Scott Spence Attendance, Document, Registration List

Attendance tracking is where you confirm attendance by individuals on a course, verified by them entering a code into a system, being recognised by the trainer or showing ID to the trainer. attendance tracking is supported in all licenses. The reasons for tracking attendance may be a regulatory requirement, eg Australian government requirements include tracking attendance of foreign students to ensure adhereance to their visias. has a number of ways that attendance can be tracked.

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Setup Summary and Name of Registation List, Document List and Contact List

Monday, Jan 15, 2018 by Scott Spence Form, Registration List

There are a number of places where checking Name or Summary on the field from within the form will display the information, here is a summary: Document Form Summary - Document List, Registration List (admin and Trainer Portal), Document Status, Documents by Course Date Name - External form Contact Form Summary - Contact List Name - In the autoselect drop down when adding, editing or viewing a document, ie contact selection, if you want to search by middle name then middle name should be ‘name’ on the contact form.

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Registration List

Sunday, Oct 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Registration List

In the admin portal you can view the Registration list by following the blue button with the 6 dots you can open a new window with the Registration List available to print and check of participants on a course. From within the Trainer Portal you can see the Registration List by following the ‘Registration List’ button below the details of each course The Registration List only includes participants who are registered, and not cancelled.

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