
Status History

Monday, Dec 9, 2019 by Scott Spence Process Steps, Status, History, Workflow

You might need a summary of those students who have achieved a particular step or not achieved a step in the workflow. Examples include: Which students have not corrected their USI? Which students have not been sent a Statement of Attaintment/Certificate? Which students have not Paid but have registered? Which actions are outstanding for user ‘Scott Spence’? What action was carried out by ‘Scott Spence’ yesterday? This can be done using the Status history and filtering by your desired criteria.

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Survive an Audit

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 by Scott Spence Audit, History, Log, Version, Status

Whether you are an Australian RTO or a Singapore based training company you no doubt have audits for some or all of your training. Here are some tips about how to impress them using CourseSales.com: Auditors are interested in the learner journey, they are particuarly interested in things like reminders to make the student’s experience more plesant, and easier while they are attending the course, seeing when these steps occured, if where possible they are automated to ensure consistency and that it is not subject to human error ie forgetfulness, then this is all the better.

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Use the Logs, Audit Trail, Versions and Contact History Audit Trails

Wednesday, Apr 23, 2014 by Scott Spence Audit, Version, History, Log

CourseSales.com includes many ways to track activity and actions. These enable you to identify training that may be required of staff members through modification of records that need correcting to audits by governing bodies to confirm actions have been taken to manage students. Those organisations that are CRICOS registered (for overseas students) and have obligations surrounding notification of students can use this functions to meet their accreditation/audit compliance. Audit The Audit is found under the ‘System’ menu.

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