Web Services - Document

Saturday, Dec 1, 2018

Swagger Definition

Refer to the swagger file for a full definition


This service returns Forms with a status of Active.

This service only returns Forms for Active Course Dates, that is:

  • They are Scheduled, and visible to the Public

  • Where the Course Date is attached to a Course Master that has a status of Active

Standard Web Service

This web service requires a standard web services user. It may be used in client or server-side applications.

Request Types

  • HTML Retrieve the HTML for a form so it can be presented to the user for them to fill out. This query also returns information about the Course Date, which can be useful to show above the form when you present it on the web site.

  • PostNewForm Post a form into The form is validated, and if there are errors the form is returned with the errors highlighted.

  • Payment Retrieve payment information for a form that has been posted.

Query Parameters

For HTML you must provide these parameters:

  • CourseDateId Integer - the Id of a Course Date the user will be completing a Form for

  • ProcessStepId Integer - the Id of Document Process Step on the Course Date the user will be completing the Form for (and there must be a Public Form set for that Process Step on the Course Dates’s Process Path)

For Payment you must provide these parameters:

  • DocumentExternalId Integer - the Id of a Course Date the user will be completing a Form for