
Course Date List

Sunday, Dec 8, 2019 by Scott Spence Course Date, List, Basics

Under Courses>Dates you will see a list of scheduled course dates ordered from closest to furthermost away. Things to note about this course listing: The courses are grouped by week (with the week starting on Sunday) by course category (in the order of the course categories under options) then by location (in the order of the locations under options). Provider is the course provider who is delivering the course (only varies if you have the ‘reseller licence’)

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Document List

Friday, Dec 7, 2018 by Scott Spence Document, List

It is no surprise that this is the default page for most logins. It takes you to the page that has the most ‘happening’ activities, namely arriving registrations. As registrations arrive they accumulate at the top of the screen. This list tells you what has arrived, and is useful to check any registrations that need immediate attention. Under Courses>Documents you will see a list of the most recent documents sorted from the most recent to the oldest.

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Course Master List

Friday, Jul 17, 2015 by Scott Spence Course Master, List

Under Publish>Masters you will see a list of active course masters. The courses are grouped alphabetically by provider by course category then as a list using the course master name (not label). Price is ‘Our Price’ on the course date (this reflects any price rules applied) You can either have a public or private course The buttons are: View the course master, provided a non-editable view of the course master details

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Add a dropdown, checkbox or radio list

Wednesday, Jan 28, 2015 by Scott Spence Field, List, Radio, Checkbox

You may wish to create a multiple option list for those registering on your courses, to to use on process steps. These multiple options are either created manually, as in the example below eg. for a ‘how did you hear about us question or exist as internal lists eg. AVETMISS questions, countries or currencies. The following instructions show how to create a manual list that does not currently exist. Here is an animation of the process to create the option, using ‘New’ for an option, then ‘Add a child’ then ‘Add after this node’.

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