
Upload Files

Thursday, Jan 25, 2018 by Scott Spence File

Uploading files within is possible by Trainers, Students and Configuration managers. You have the ability to create your own upload fields, and add these to your own forms. Access to upload fields depends on your license. The file size per field is also determined by your license type. To add an upload field on an existing form first create the field using the Type ‘file’. Adding the field to the form will then make that field available to upload files.

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Storage Limits and Prices

Saturday, Apr 4, 2015 by Scott Spence File, License

There are three factors to consider when looking at using to store your files and manage file uploads. The file size accepted per field The storage amount for each month and Data transfer amount per month. Fields are limited differently for internal and external uploads, the following table shows the upload limits by license: License Per form internal upload Per form external upload Included Storage Included Transfer Free none none none none Multiple Trainers none none none none Training Company 2 Mb none 1 Gb 1 Gb/month International 5 Mb 5 Mb 50 Gb 10 Gb/month Reseller 15 Mb 12 Mb 100 Gb 20 Gb/month

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Use the files (images) stored in in course descriptions, in PDFs or emails

Tuesday, Jul 22, 2014 by Scott Spence FAQ, File, Email, PDF, Content, Course Description

You can upload files to, this could include images that might be useful when describing courses. These files can be used as embedded images in: Course descriptions PDFs (created dynamically when sending emails) Emails Content for extranet forms, process step forms or document forms Topic descriptions Venue descriptions Promotional descriptions It can also be files to download eg.

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Add Files to Emails

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, File, Email

Create a file category Upload the file to (content>files>new) Link the file to the file category Edit then link the file to the course master Link the file category to the email How do I create a file category? Publish>Options Click on the tree view (forth icon from left) for ‘File categories’

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