
Adding and Editing Fields

Friday, Sep 27, 2019 by Scott Spence Add, Edit, Field, Form

The form builder in distinguishes it from most student management systems. By being able to have different forms for different process paths and different process steps an organisation can gather the right information for specific occasions. This flexibility extends to the fields used to create the forms. These range from content, usually HTML messages that might vary by course, to uploading files to store with the registration and contact (if a document) or the status (if via a process step).

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What to do when changing Field types or removing Fields

Wednesday, Jul 11, 2018 by Scott Spence Form, Field

Sometimes when your data requirements change you need to modify the way that values are gathered, eg moving an address from a multiline text field to a set of single line text field. There is also occasions when removing data completely is necessary. The following are suggestions of how to deal with this. There is no data manipulation management tool within for you to automatically move from say two fields and merge into one field.

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Add and Edit a Form

Wednesday, Jul 20, 2016 by Scott Spence Form, Field, AVETMISS, Add has a form builder, as well as field editor. This gives customers of unprecedented control over the data they collect from customers, the assistance they provide to their course administrators and data they can gather from assessors and trainers. The following will help you navigate the form building exercise. Adding, preview and publishing a form Editing fields while editing a form - including preview of form It can be useful to see what your changes will look like, especially if you are making changes using HTML on your fields.

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Find the ID for a Field

Thursday, May 5, 2016 by Scott Spence Field, Field ID, ID

Field IDs are internal references to fields, usually these are customised fields created to store values such as Moodle Category Ids, Reseller names or Moodle template ids. These values can be used in plugins or javascript files to refer to specific fields, referring to the ids means that it does not matter if the name changes, the id remains the same. For example: When editing or viewing the field Moodle Category Id, get the Field Id from the URL

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Make a postcode mandatory for Queensland only

Thursday, Feb 5, 2015 by Scott Spence Field, Form, Postcode, Validation

When wanting to ensure that a registration comes from Queensland (perhaps for funding purposes) you may find the QLD Postcode Validator useful. Edit your postcode field, ensure the field is of type ‘Integer’ and choose the validator “Queensland Postcode” Edit the Form or subform to make the field mandatory Save and publish the form (not subform) to make the changes take effect. Note

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Add a dropdown, checkbox or radio list

Wednesday, Jan 28, 2015 by Scott Spence Field, List, Radio, Checkbox

You may wish to create a multiple option list for those registering on your courses, to to use on process steps. These multiple options are either created manually, as in the example below eg. for a ‘how did you hear about us question or exist as internal lists eg. AVETMISS questions, countries or currencies. The following instructions show how to create a manual list that does not currently exist. Here is an animation of the process to create the option, using ‘New’ for an option, then ‘Add a child’ then ‘Add after this node’.

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What is the form field type 'Export'

Sunday, Oct 26, 2014 by Scott Spence FAQ, Form, Field, Export

This field is used with Options. Sometimes the information we want to export comes from Options. It is not always appropriate to use the Option Name as the export value, so as an alternative the text in the Export Field can be used. Let’s assume there is a Location for Brisbane with an Export Field value of BNE If we used the Option Name it would be: Brisbane Queensland Australia If we used the Export Field value it would be: BNE

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Setup Defaults on Fields

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 by Scott Spence Form, Field, Default

Navigate to Forms/Fields and edit your choosen field. You can create defaults for the following fields: Autocomplete Autocomplete internal Lookup list Lookup list internal Payment methods Radio Radio internal Note Defaults do not currently support multiple defaults, if you need a default for the same field in different courses/locations etc you should use CSS and JS customisations or administration customisation Note

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Troubleshooting Fields, Forms and Contacts

Tuesday, Apr 29, 2014 by Scott Spence Contact, Field, Form

Use the following check list to analyze why some information in fields might be lost, contacts are not being created or forms are not working as expected: Check that you are using EXACTLY the same field if you want the data to carry through from one form to the next. The contact form receiving the data from the document form must NOT have any mandatory fields that are not also mandatory on the the document form, a sensible way to ensure this is not an issue is to make NO fields on the contact form mandatory

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