Export Map

Add Invoices to Xero

Monday, Dec 9, 2019 by Scott Spence Integration, Invoice, Xero, Export Map, Export Queue

Xero is a popular online accounting package. CourseSales.com offers a service that automatically creates invoices from your registration/document workflow. You can for example, automatically invoice when a customer has registered, or alternatively automatically invoice when a customer has paid online, eg via paypal, ezidebit or worldpay. Xero integration uses the latest API functions available to enable a range of services,including the automatic creation of contacts within Xero when creating an invoice, linking to your preferred account and appending all the sales from one course to the same invoice.

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Add invoices automatically to Quickbooks Online

Thursday, Nov 10, 2016 by Scott Spence Invoice, Integration, Export Map, Export Queue

Quickbooks is a popular online accounting package. CourseSales.com offers a service that automatically creates Sales Receipts from your registration/document workflow. You can for example, automatically add a Sales Receipt when a customer has registered, or alternatively when a customer has paid online, eg via paypal, ezidebit or worldpay. There are many ways that you can arrange to receive payment: during the registration process, or from Quickbooks. Talk to us about how you wish to work and we will work out the best way to meet your needs.

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How to export to the Export Queue

Wednesday, Sep 2, 2015 by Scott Spence Export, Export Queue, Export Map

You can create export maps, which then get added to the export queue and can then be queried via the API or other automation tools. It is only possible to export from a process step on a document or a Course Date. So if you need to export something on a per course date basis create a Document step eg ‘Create Facebook Group - ONCE per course’ that clearly indicates it should only be run once on a Course Date not a per Document basis.

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Export Courses, Documents or Contacts

Monday, Aug 18, 2014 by Scott Spence Export, Course Date, Contact, Document, Export Map, Export Queue, Download

To export Courses, Documents or Contacts your login needs to have a role which manage permissions on Course Dates, Documents and Contacts respectively. Use the filter options to selectively pick the items that you want to display. Use the download button to apply the filter to a downloadable, comma separated file. Example This shows the steps to take to download the details of all students for a particular course category Choose the Export menu

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