Course Date ID

Find a Course ID

Saturday, Feb 25, 2017 by Scott Spence FAQ, Course Date, Course Date ID

Course Dates are used to identify courses that students register on. These unique numbers are also referred to as an ‘Internal Id’ for a course date. These are unique and never used again - so don’t just guess what a coursedateId could be! This value is used when constructing links for student booking on private courses, and used when troubleshooting issues such as errors or misconfigurations. Providing dates and venues of locations is not enough - as there could be double-ups.

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Add references to your emails or PDFs

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Course Date, Document, Course Date ID, Document ID, Email, PDF

Add document references to your emails or PDFs. You can use the unique identifier for course dates and documents (enquiries/registrations) as a way to keep track of someone’s registration. To do this we recommend that you put the following at the bottom of your emails: Course reference: [CourseDates:CourseDateId] our reference is: [Documents:DocumentExternalId] Hint: beta feature - use with caution to include the name of the email template (for troubleshooting purposes) use this: [Email:TemplateName], hide as white text if you wish to have this on emails but not to be noticed:

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