Upgrade from WiseNet to CourseSales.com

Saturday, Apr 13, 2019

WiseNet is a cloud based student management system, similar to CourseSales.com in some ways, but where CourseSales.com a less cluttered user interface, with an advanced workflow management system in built at the entry level license WiseNet requires you to have a more expensive license to use some workflow features and recent converts describe it as confusing and clunky to use. To import from WiseNet we recommend using AVETMISS files for the student and enrolment details. Additional data can be obtained from exporting client records like phone numbers email address etc. There is minimal manual activity during the migration effort. Our experience says that migration is quite painless and most student data can reliably be transferred into CourseSales.com - we can even migrate the CRM notes and Client logbook if you wish.

Why do customers move from WiseNet to CourseSales.com?

Easy to use

Things are where you expect them, menus are simple, easy to navigate and easy on the eye.

Sensible display

Display of items does not drift into the ether by having pages with too much on them.

Clear and concise

Some of the naming convention can be confusing and they don't necessarily link together - we see many organizations that are crippled by the confusion associated with this. CourseSales has Course Masters, Course Dates, Topics and Modules - and they all link together, in a hierarchy, easy as pie.


Most licenses for RTO Manager have no automation. No action 'triggers' for automated and customised workflow, so you have to remember when things are different for different courses. In CourseSales.com you can build it into the configuration. You also have to do things they way they have you do them.

Save money

The license fees are quite huge when large organisations start to pay for licensing, correspondingly larger training organisations will see a significant decrease in operational costs by switching to CourseSales

Preparing your data

Standard naming

Keeping names constant between items, using keywords to group items you can be sure that your items will be recognizable once they are imported into CourseSales.com

Cleaning up data

By cleaning up your data prior to the migration you will ensure that the data imported will be as clean as possible

Active only

The import scripts will only import the active items, not inactive ones. If you don't wish to import some data then make it inactive. If you wish to import inactive data make it active!

Remove stuff you don't need

If you have students you don't need any more or courses that were canceled but have not been marked as this then remove them - the cleaner and leaner it is the better!

The CourseSales.com Form Builder delivers flexibility

Many legacy software systems like WiseNet have a fixed way to collect data, namely they make measured assumptions about what information you are gathering given the parameters expected to be used within. CourseSales also does this to a degree. However we also include a form builder, allowing you to customise what data you collect and therefore increase the data gathered to make the system flexible. Effectively we supply you with a skeleton to manage time based delivery of services, and through modifications and editing you can enable it to run your training training company as you want to. This means continuous adding of functions, CRICOS, AVETMISS, USI and each state's own legislation does not mean you are burdened with those fields and functions if you don't use them. Flexible, scalable, and future proof (for the next thing that comes along needing another set of data)!


The following is a glossary for using CourseSales.com by those who are familiar with Wisenet, feel free to drop us a line if you have more insights that would help the transition!

WiseNet Top Tabs

Courses, Course Offers
Course Dates
For those to a specific individual, eg client visit the contact, and see 'View Documents' - the course date is listed at the top
Units, Unit Offers, Timetables
Course Dates or Documents
Units offers for a Course Date can be found in the Course Date record. For units and unit offers at the Document level view the Document from the Contact record.
Login Records (Setup>Logins)
This gives staff access to {{<cs>}}, as well as setting up other roles who might not access {{<cs>}} but need to receive emails.
Document, Course Date, Contact
Notes can be added to most records, those relating to a particular document or contact are likely CRM related notes, if a course is delivered for a particular customer CRM notes can also found on the Course Date.
These are configurable fields so you can include workplaces or departments related to the contacts, eg place of work or account department.
Organisation (Setup>Organisation) or Branch
This is where the basic organisation information is located, you can also include some of this information in the Branch record (found under publish>options)

WiseNet Current Client View


Current Client Left Menu

Client Profile
Contact Record (Contacts>Contacts)
Contacts can also include Other records such as organisations and invoice contacts, as determined by the contact type. This is configurable.
Learner App
Student Portal
If the contact has a password on the contact record then that person has access to the student portal.
Client checklists
Document Workflow
To see the current step look at the Process step field for the workflow (process path). This varies depending on the course master of the course date that the document is linked to.
Opportunities are when someone enquiries on a course, a manual enquiry can be made that does not trigger an email to the customer, eg for inhouse/private courses or a lead from another source for that customer.
Topics and student portal
The timetable of when the student will be attending topics is determined by the topics listed on the document, and displayed in the student portal for the student.

Client Profile Top Menu

Profile, Personal Details, Demographics (AVETMISS), International, Next of kin
You can choose what to see as a summary by editing the form and ticket 'summary' which will display his information on the per record basis in the list of contacts. This information is found on the contact record. You choose how to display this contacts information. All these sections are customisable within {{<cs>}} ie you don't need them if you don't collect this data.

Within Client Profile Record

Special Care
Document Status
In {{<cs>}} the status or steps yet to be complete can vary by document for this reason visit the status of the document to see the status of each step and what is yet to be done. Current Positions Depends on each contact form If you configure the forms to gather this information it will appear on the document and contact forms
You can see all the linked documents from the contact record click 'View Documents'
Client RefInternal
Contact Internal Id
Find this by viewing/editing the contact, click the cog in the blue title bar. This is used in AVETMISS reporting for identifying the student when no Client Id AVETMISS Field is present on the contact.
Client RefExternal
Contact Id
This is the username for the student to sign in to the student portal.
Is Active?
Each record within {{<cs>}} has a status, usually active, inactive and draft. Changing a Contact to inactive is like turning off 'Is Active'.

Current Course Enrolment Left Menu

Detail, Agents, Unit Enrolments, Enrolment Logbook, Notes, LLN
The Document includes all the information about the enrolment for a student: which agent, and which contact and what units are covered including enrolment data submitted.
Enrolment Checklists
Course Date Workflow
To see the current step look at the Process step field for the workflow (process path). This varies depending on the course master that the course date is linked to.
Topics can exist on the Course Date (course topics) and on the Document (document topics) These include the each unit of competency or module that the student needs to complete for the given course.
Unit Enrolments
Offers to students are effectively a course date, with a set of units for that student. These can be tailored at the per document level, so that each student can have a different set of units. See the units (topics)