What is the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia Star Rating?
The Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) manages the Star Rating on behalf of Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia, which is a 5-star quality measure for Registered Training Providers, it is based on questions available via the HRDF Training Provider portal. It is effectively a self-assessed maturity model based on items identified as contributing to the delivery of quality training. It is mandatory for all registered training providers to be star rated. Star Rating inspectors will ensure that information submitted by Training Providers correctly reflects their actual situation by requesting evidence such as documents, screenshots, demonstrations or reports from systems you have.
Cumulative marks from answers to the questions determine each Training Provider’s star rating:
- 0-35 points (no stars)
- 36-40 points
- 41-55 points
- 56-70 points
- 71-85 points
- 86-100 points
Using CourseSales.com can improve a Training Provider’s star rating
The maximum number of points you can attain from using CourseSales.com (as outlined below) is 85 points + Special Point. That means up to 5 stars! (join the ranks of other 5-star ranked organisations like SG Academy and AccelSkill Academy)
CourseSales.com can help with direct ways and indirect ways to improve your star rating. Just by having CourseSales.com Training Providers receive points, however in addition CourseSales.com is able to help indirectly by quickly supplying the evidence you need to justify points, eg Registrations/Attendance Lists can be gathered from CourseSales.com quickly to provide evidence of training sessions completed in the past.
CourseSales.com licenses range from all inclusive to the bare minimum, chose based on the number of points you need:
Need up to 10 points? Use the free license
Need up to 20 points? Use the Multiple Trainers license @ 100RM/month
Need up to 35 points? Use the Training Organisation license @ 275RM/month
Need up to 85 points? Use the International Training Organisation license @ 620RM/month
In each case you can get a 2 month discount by paying for 12 months in advance - ie pay for 10 months and get 12!
Those organisations that pay for the International Training Organisation license in advance get 3 hours of free training/configuration assistance.
The following information takes the question/criteria specified by HRDP and indicates how CourseSales.com can help to earn the points mentioned. Keep in minds that these are the maximum points - ie if using CourseSales.com you must be able to demonstrate this usage as well. Contact us to book a ‘HRDF Five Star Rating readiness review’.
Section C: Training Programmes
Availability of Training Calendar
CourseSales.com creates an online training calendar = 5 Points
Do you have a Training Programmes Management System?
CourseSales.com is a Training Programme Management System, it can provide you with a record of all training programmes and organized curriculum for training programmes, it can track certification requirements and track effectiveness of training programmes. = 5 Points
Total number of training sessions for all the training programmes conducted in the previous year
CourseSales.com can provide you with attendance lists so you have evidence to help gain these points.
Do you evaluate the effectiveness of your training programmes?
CourseSales.com can send evaluation forms to students to complete = 5 Points
Which Model do you use in evaluating and improving the effectiveness of your training programmes?
CourseSales.com can be used to implement models to improve effectiveness = 5 Points
Please choose the highest level of evaluation that you have carried out (as an example the Kirkpatrick Model)
CourseSales.com can gather the information in an automated way to implement the Kirkpatrick model of measuring training effectiveness. = 15 points + **Special point.
Level 1; Reaction Using CourseSales.com’s Form builder and automated email/sms features you can send students evaluation forms immediately after a course, to gather their reaction to the learning. You can also send evaluation forms to the trainer to gain their view on the reaction of students
Level 2; Learning Using CourseSales.com’s built in quiz feature you can test your students after or during the course to confirm that they are acquiring the intended knowledge skills and attitudes based on their participation.
Level 3; Behaviour Following the course you can automatically valuate behaviour changes using CourseSales.com’s timed workflow eg a questionnaire can be sent 14 days after the course to ask how they have applied in the work environment from the skills and knowledge gained following the training.
Level 4; Results Also using CourseSales.com’s timed workflow you can request a nominated manager (specified by the student at the point of registration) as to what degree targeted outcomes occur as a result of learning events and subsequent reinforcement. Alternatively you can integrate with our preferred 360 degree feedback partner.
Section D: Customer Management
Do you have a customer relationship management system?
CourseSales.com manages the customer relationship, allowing notes and records of student details to be maintained and updated. Tasks for follow up can also be scheduled for staff members. The customer database links to each sale made to that customers, providing you with a sales tracking record, all trainers are set up in CourseSales.com so you can communicate with them, providing a list of trainers for training programmes, you get a dynamically updated sales sheet for confirmed training programmes. = 5 Points
Do you carry out customer satisfaction surveys?
Using the Form builder that allows you to create survey forms so you can gather customer satisfaction data online, automatically after a course, exporting the fields enables you to then create a quick survey report. Read more here. = 5 Points
Do you implement Customer Experience Management?
Designing a workflow that is suitable for your training you can send reminders to customers, invite your students to Training programmes Learning Groups, manage the relationship and keep a track of certification achievements, you can also target specific groups of students with updates about training programmes = 5 Points
Do you obtain your customers' testimonials?
After gathering using the CourseSales.com automated forms you can include your customer testimonials, and add them automatically to your Facebook or Linked in pages. = 5 Points
Do you have a website/social media platform?
Using CourseSales.com public pages or the WordPress plugin you can include all your courses on your website, plugins enable your Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account to be updated automatically. = 5 Points
Section F: Quality System
Quality System or Tool: Standard Operating Procedures
Process flow is at the center of CourseSales.com, workflows are made up of Process Steps and Process Rules giving you complete control for each course you deliver. Guidance to each step can be provided directly to the Training Administrator or trainer etc. This data is auditable and can be modified to gather other organisation items like an improvement form, complaints form and enquiry form and items requiring attention by management. = 5 Points
Quality System or Tool: Continuous Improvement Activities
Within CourseSales.com you have the option to send specific answers to specific questions directly to those concerned, so that they can immediately apply those changes and improvements to improve the learning outcomes and customer experience of the training you provide = 5 Points
Section I: Others
What are the value added services offered by your company?
Using our pricing rules you can offer discounts to repeat customers, or early bookers, using the catalog feature you can offer additional tutoring, products that may assist in the learning for those students who are unaccustomed to studying. You can manage free events and reminders to students to keep their certificates up to date where there is a legislative requirement to do so. Customers can automatically be enroled into email groups of like-minded people to assist in applying the knowledge and skills once back at the workplace. = 15 Points
Star Rating Assessment
Keep in mind that Star Rating scores will be given by PSMB’s appointed Star Rating Inspectors. As observation, inquiry and inspection are all primary methods based on the Star Rating Assessment Form there is no guarantee that you will be awarded the points above, there are elements outside the control of CourseSales.com such as when the inspectors assess a certain number of files selected at random, these must be available and up to date for instance. We recommend you request a tutorial/tour of your system, so you know how to find the evidence to support your answers to your star rating questionnaire. The findings of the inspection are fully discussed together with any recommendations, please contact us if you require advice to implement the recommendations. The scores and proposed Star Rating will be presented to the Star Rating Award Committee for approval.
Frequently asked questions
How long does my star rating apply?
For newly registered training providers, the star rating will be awarded after one (1) year of registration with PSMB. Example, if a training provider registers in June 2017, the rating will be given in July 2018. The validity of the star rating is two (2) years. However, PSMB reserves the right to revoke any ratings that have been awarded due to infringements on the terms and conditions as registered training providers before the expiry of the validity period.
Do I have to pay for the star rating system?
The star rating system is a value-added service provided by PSMB to its registered training providers. No application is required neither processing fee is imposed. Eligibility of assessment will be notified upon the renewal of the training providers’ certificate. It will be assessed separately and will not be linked to the renewal of the certificate. Nonetheless, submission of the star rating form shall be within two (2) months of the date of the renewal certificate. Training providers may apply for early assessment depending on case-to-case basis.
I am not happy with my star rating, can I have it reassessed?
Training providers are allowed to be reassessed for higher rating before the expiry of the 2-year period subject to a processing fee of RM350
Where do I submit my Star Rating information and evidence?
Via the Trainer Provider portal on the HRDF website.
What is the HRDF?
HRDF is managed by Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB), a company under the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia. HRDF provides workers with accessibility to skills training and certification. a 1% levy on employee earnings are used to create the fund which is then used to promote and subsidise training. Individuals and employers can request training and receive the funding from Registered Training Providers.
How many training organisations receive an ‘Excellent’ (5-star) rating from Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia (via HRDF)?
There are mixed reports however in 2014 just 370 private schools had achieved 5 star ratings, this is up from the 76/836 rated as 5 stars in 2012. Read more here.
Why would my Training Organisation want a high rating?
High ratings are reported to influence allocation of government loans such as PTPK, to encourage students to take up TEVT courses - Read more here. High ratings can also be used for marketing purposes, and to benchmark yourself against your competitors. If your competitors have a high rating and you do not this might effect your attractiveness to customers. As this is required to remain registered you are better off to get as high a rating as possible rather than a low rating.
Additional information
- Human Resources Development Fund
- Star Rating User Guide
- Star Rating workflow slides
Training Providers Circular No. 3/2010 - Implementation Of Star Rating System For Training Providers Registered With Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad
- 1Malaysia Globally Recognised Industry And Professional Certification (1MalaysiaGRIP)