
Testing with new CourseSales.com versions

Tuesday, Jul 30, 2019 by Scott Spence Testing

When preparing for major software releases testing should be focused on ensuring all current functionality works as expected. When allocating time it can not be predicted when configuration changes or trouble shooting be required and how long this might take. The purpose of the testing is to reduce operational disruption. During each upgrade period the CourseSales.com technical team are available to address any issues that interrupt normal functionality, this effort is including as part of the existing license.

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Overview for Developers

Wednesday, Oct 21, 2015 by Scott Spence Integration, Environment, Testing

Developers often have limited time to get up to speed with the internal configuration or workings of CourseSales.com. They wish to spend time on integration not getting to know the whys and wherefores of how the training organisation is using the software. This will hopefully help designers and developers get and environment that they can work with during integration. This exerpt is addressed to developers, who we assume have been contracted/engaged to integrate CourseSales.

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Testing using Selenium IDE, tips and hints

Saturday, Apr 18, 2015 by Scott Spence System Administration, Testing

The following are things that we have found useful when creating Selenium IDE scripts in testing CourseSales.com or automating data transfer/interactions with other third party web-based software applications. If you wish to do some online tutorials for Selenium visit www.guru99.com/selenium-tutorial.html, the tutorials are created by an IBM veteran. The course covers: Selenium Introduction Selenium IDE Tutorial Selenium WebDriver Tutorial Xpath - Advanced Locators Accessing Web Elements TestNG and Maven Advanced Concepts on Selenium WebDriver Selenium Grid Interview Questions & Answers LIVE PROJECTS for Real Time Exercises Useful Selenium IDE commands Increment variable ‘Count’ when using ‘goto’ commands and loops to keep track of numbers of iterations.

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