Course Format

Course start and end times

Thursday, Nov 17, 2016 by Scott Spence Course Date, Course Date Start, Course Format

Often it is important to inform the students attending face to face training of the start and end times of a course, particularly to keep the student informed and to encourage them to arrive on time. If you wish to specify other times, such times for lunch, specific topics, exams, etc then use the topics on the format to do this. Topic times are available to the student in the student portal.

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Add a Course Format

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Add, Course Format, AVETMISS

Formats are used to describe the type of delivery, number of days and times the delivery starts and finishes eg: “Facilitated 3 day workshop 9-5 each day” or “Blended learning; 20 hours pre course and 1 day teaching with exam”. Formats are also where you can include Topics, linked to Course Modules. For those training organisations that are RTOs (government Registered Training Organisations) the Course Module is where Units of Competency (UoC) details are recorded for AVETMISS reporting.

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