
Working with co-providers (Training partners)

Sunday, Dec 8, 2019 by Scott Spence Partner, Co-provider, Basics

Many training organisations work with co-providers who deliver training and provider customers for that training. This effectively means that they buy the services of the RTO that involve managing the training, gathering and reporting the AVETMISS data as well as managing the auditing and responsibility of being an RTO. Where possible enabling these co-providers to do as much of the work as possible while retaining management oversight and clear audit control is the objective of the RTO.

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Course Date List

Sunday, Dec 8, 2019 by Scott Spence Course Date, List, Basics

Under Courses>Dates you will see a list of scheduled course dates ordered from closest to furthermost away. Things to note about this course listing: The courses are grouped by week (with the week starting on Sunday) by course category (in the order of the course categories under options) then by location (in the order of the locations under options). Provider is the course provider who is delivering the course (only varies if you have the ‘reseller licence’)

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