AVETMISS Reporting Enhancements, Look & feel enhancements for portals

CourseSales.com version: 6.45
AVETMISS Reporting Enhancements, Look & feel enhancements for portals
Version 6.45
Released 16 June 2015
Clear indication when AVETMISS reporting is complete
RTO Managers
If you have a reasonable amount of data to export and create AVETMISS files it is possible that CourseSales may take some time to filter all the data and produce the reports. If you download the AVETMISS files too early you will get incomplete or blank AVETMISS files - be sure to wait for the log entry that says ‘completed’
Easier AVETMISS reporting
Support for reduced reporting
RTO Managers
Some RTOs are given exemption of client data for certian courses, this means that the forms filled out by those customers attending those courses that are ‘reduced reporting’ are less onerous and it means that the NAT files exported contain less information. An indicator must exist on the course category that includes those courses with reduced reporting.
Easier reporting
Customising function, look and feel of portals, forms and lists
Configuration Managers and Designers
Extensive enhancements to enable customised CSS and JS files, added CSS tags and JS subset of code so that many enhancements can be implemented on forms, hiding, showing, altering text and controlling look and feel. Some of the cool things you can now do: Add pages to your forms of fields Have a quiz before the course, or after the course, or as part of registration Customise messages after payment or registration, with promotions perhaps..
Improved end-customer experience
Price included in form box by default
RTO Managers
Including course agreed price on the course box on all forms, by default. There is CSS you can include in a customised CSS file. This can include the hiding of the price value.
Meeting new compliance requirements
Selenium data import and migration
Configuration Managers
We now have extensive scripts and corresponding standard CSV files that will make migration to coursesales, or importing of bulk amounts of data (or changing configuration) easier and more reliable and manual entry. These scripts will save you money and time.
Easier to manage and import data
Documentation & Videos
We have been steadily increasing the number of tutorials online and videos on youtube.
Easier to adopt and onboard new staff
Date validation and format changes
Until recently we accepted dd/mm/yyyy formatted dates eg 23/5/2015. the obvious draw back to this is the US/Rest of world differences in this format. We are moving to the more obvious dd mmm yyyy format, eg, 6 Jun 2013
Improved date handling for International date formats
Enhancements to Moodle plugins
Online e-learning training organisations
Limited sync to scheduled courses (not cancelled/completed) Fixed timezone interpretation in plugins
Minor enhancements
Notification when topics are added to a course date, When editing a course master the ribbon is now context sensitive for format, When add/view/edit document can now edit contact, Lookup for documents usual external reference id now, not internal reference id, When editing course dates ribbon is context sensitive to catalog group, Process paths, currencies & course dates are now cached, Performance improvements for processing of statuses including emails, AVETMISS street number is now ‘not specified’ if blank, Payment group now includes extra space when adding payment methods, Fields now use type that triggers correct keyboard: http://uxmovement.com/mobile/input-types-give-users-the-right-keyboard-o..., Captcha is now configurable, on the process path, PDF file name now accepts 500 characters, for much longer names, When creating public forms now hiding all fields within a box that has form text does hide the form text, Added a ‘view documents’ button on right hand side of contacts, Topic default to the course date venue, start date and end date, Login corrected when refreshing a new document addition & editing, AVETMISS modules are handled by including a subject name text field (rather than decoding from the subject id), Kiosk now applies defaults if forms have changed on the document, AVETMISS Postal postcode and Location postcode now exist, location details used unless postal details are provided, alongside location locality and postal locality, Two caches are now operational on web services: Active Options - eg Categories Active Course Dates, Course rollup efficiency improvements