Use role to address emails version: 5.02
Use role to address emails
Version 5.02
Released 21 November 2009
Customer Events has been rewritten to follow the look and feel introduced in release 5.00 for Course Templates and Dates, and renamed to Customer Events
Course listing Sales agent Course administrator
Process Automation follows the look and feel of Course Templates and Dates
Easier to use
Process Automation records can use Course Date Roles as email addresses
Course listing Sales agent Course administrator
You may now list Roles as email addressees, which means it is possible to request emails be sent to or from any role that is filled on a particular Course Date
Much greater flexibility in who emails can be addressed to - enabling you to have a much wider range of external workflows
Lightboxes replace popups in Course Templates, Coures Dates and Process Automation
Course listing Sales agent Course administrator

Lightboxes look nicer and are modal so they cannot become hidden behind the main screen like normal popups. Lightboxes have been implemented on Course Templates, Dates and Documents for consistency

Please note with lightboxes - you do not have to wait while they load, you can close them at any time

Easier to use