Generic Emails version: 4.30
Generic Emails
Version 4.30
Released 18 December 2008
Now emails can be sent for any purpose, not just enquiries and registrations
Course listing Sales agent Course administrator Configuration

A more generic email template system that will make it possible to add new email types quickly in the future. This system will replace the current email settings, but offer the flexibility to add new email templates and rules without software changes.

Customer Events (a new screen) have been introduced to connect significant steps in the sales and administration process with the emails that will be sent.

Email templates are no longer associated specifically with an enquiry or registration.

Uses our default with override model:

A new Event Controller selects the best match of Customer Event from the Customer Event table based on the Customer Event type, Provider, Course Type and Title, and send all matching emails.


  • If there is at least one entry for a Customer Event with a Provider and Type and Title send all email templates with those keys [Customer Event, Provider, Type, Title], and no others

  • If there is at least one entry for a Customer Event with a Provider and Type but no Title send all email templates with those keys [Customer Event, Provider, Type], and no others

  • If there is at least one entry for a Customer Event with a Provider and no Type or Title send all email templates with those keys, [Customer Event, Provider] and no others

  • If there is no Customer Event entry for a Customer Event with a Provider, Type or Title specified send all the email templates with no keys for that Customer Event

Provides a tremendous amount more flexibility - with this feature you should be able to dramatically reduce the number of email you send by hand.
Store enquiries in the Document table and process them in a similar fashion to registrations
Course listing Sales agent Course administrator Configuration
Online enquiries about a course are now stored as a Document, just like registrations are. This means they can be viewed online and trigger generic emails.
Now enquiries and registrations are handled consistently, and enquiries can be viewed online