Configuration Tables and CMS version: 4.10
Configuration Tables and CMS
Version 4.10
Released 24 June 2008
New - HTML description of a Course Type record
Web publishing Course listings Configuration
Adds a new field that will hold a description of a Course Type to the course type table and admin panel. Corresponding change to API to return the description for a Course Type
Publish content about a Course Type on your web site
New - attach files to a Course Type record
Web publishing Course listings Configuration
You may now add a file attachment to a Course Type. Corresponding change to API to return the name and path of the file
Publish content about a Course Type on your web site
New - HTML description of a Course Title record
Web publishing Course listings Configuration
Adds a new field that will hold a description of a Course Title to the course type table and admin panel. Corresponding change to API to return the description for a Course Title
Publish content about a Course Title on your web site
New - attach files to a Course Title record
Web publishing Course listings Configuration
You may now add a file attachment to a Course Title. Corresponding change to API to return the name and path of the file
Publish content about a Course Title on your web site
New - sort order on Course Type
Web publishing Course listings Configuration
A new field to specify a custom sort order for Course Types Corresponding change to API to sort Course Types based on the new sort order
Control the order in which Course Types display when listed on your website
New - sort order on Course Title
Web publishing Course listings Configuration
A new field to specify a custom sort order for Course Titles Corresponding change to API to sort Course Titles based on the new sort order
Control the order in which Course Titles display when listed on your website
New - Course Type short name
Web publishing Course listings Configuration
New mandatory plain text field
More flexibility in how information about Course Types is displayed on your web site if space is at a premium
New - Course Title short name
Web publishing Course listings Configuration
New mandatory plain text field
More flexibility in how information about Course Titles is displayed on your web site if space is at a premium
New - Course Title Category
Course listings Configuration

A user configurable (a new Configuration Table) list of categories for a Course Title e.g.

  • training course
  • workshop
  • services
Enable more sophisticated searches in the future
New - Course Group
Web publishing Course listings Configuration
Provides a way of collecting Course Types together - so now it is possible to have a hierarchy of courses three levels deep
Handle a wide range of courses more effectively
New - Configuration Tables
Provides generic functionality to create and update lists of items - such as status codes - for use in other screens
Infrastructure that will enable new functions to be deployed faster, and will give users a single place to maintain important configuration items.