- Find the report by navigating to Exports/Reports/Select Document Payment Summary from the list
- You may report on up to one week, a print icon is located next to HELP in the Ribbon.
- The transaction is treated as being the first time a Process Step is executed which increments “Registered”
- The person the transaction is attributed to is the person who updated the status. This is by the internal Id of the user, so changes to Internal Type etc have no effect.
- If you find that the report does not work on some records then check that the form has a Payment Method and an Agreed Price - both these fields are required for the report to work.
- Charges means any payment method surcharges
- Extras means those items sold in Catalog
- Note the currently there is no separation of currency - different currencies are added together
- The total includes agreed price, charges, extras & tax
- Tax is calculated from course price + extras