Setup Online Courses

Tuesday, Nov 10, 2015

Online training involves a few special considerations:

  1. Online courses don’t have start and end dates, they proceed at the student’s pace, and usually have access the moment they pay. Therefore only one course date needs to exist. In reality course dates exist at least on an annual basis. We recommend you create on course date a year.

  2. Often you don’t want the online course being displayed in the list of date related courses, to avoid this create a new location called ‘online’ and filter by the country (or region, if delivering in multiple countries) to ensure that only face to face courses are displayed. This is also a way to display only online courses ie filter by the location ‘online’.

  3. With the absence of a start date, end date and location you may wish to have a different css file that hide these values from being displayed on the registration form.

  4. You don’t want to link to a course date listing of one course. You will need to link to the booking form. This may involve manually updating the link when the new course come along - but doing this once a year should not be too much of a burden?