When first using CourseSales.com it is tempting to create multiple forms, discard those you don’t like or create backups, just in case you make a mistake. These activities can all be useful and purposeful, however one must be careful to not create too many duplicates. Carefully name items like forms and emails etc. What follows is suggestions of how to ensure that the naming convention followed applied lessons learned from previous configurations.
Names vs Labels
Names are used within CourseSales.com to give an configuration administrators more information about items, these are not displayed to the customer, where as Labels, where appropriate eg on forms are. Some labels are only seen by administrators eg process step labels. For example while a document form name might be ‘Private Online Registration Step 1’ the form label might be ‘Registration’. When thinking of names think of things that distinguish between other forms and will therefore be useful to configuration managers. Usually there is a major difference, For example when naming forms: Registration Step 1, Registration Step 2, and USI Information. Then you might have minor modifiers eg: Private, Public, Online, Face to face (F2F), Nationally registered training (NRT) and Non Accredited (NA) meaning you might have the following names:
- F2F Public NRT Registration
- Online Public NRT Registration
- F2F Private NRT Registration
- F2F Private NRT Registration
- etc
However all these forms have a label ‘Registration’, Note that the modifiers are at the beginning and abbreviated where possible.
You can’t delete items
You can’t delete a form, email, document, course date or anything else for that matter. Though items can be ‘inactive’ or ‘hidden’. This means that once you create, for example a backup form you are stuck with it for ever. Fortunately you can repurpose a backup form, changing it to use for another form. Here are some ideas that might make you feel more confident in your changes:
You can use your browser tab to edit (but not change) an existing version of a Form, Format, Content (pdf/email/course description) etc, then open another tab in which you will make all your changes to the same item in another tab - saving after your changes, then after testing either revert back to the original by saving it - login sessions are maintained between tabs, if you happen to get logged out log into another tab and all tabs will become active.