Getting business information from

Saturday, Oct 22, 2016 provides three ways to see your data: Lists with dynamic filters, reports and dashboards

Lists with dynamic filters

Lists with dynamic filters most commonly a list of documents or course dates, there is a filter to the left allowing these to be limited to defined limits.

These can be used to answer the following questions:

  • Which enrolments are currently not paid but we have sent a reminder to? ie at the process step ‘Invoice - reminder sent’?

  • How many enrolments did we get last week/month?

  • How many students have got their Unique Student Identifier details incorrect and not corrected it?


Reporting provides static information – the kind of reports you may view daily, weekly, monthly or annually. Management might base renumeration on a report for a particular period at a particular time, the sales data over a month at the end of the following month (even if that data changes the next week). Reports, while useful, are out of date the moment they are printed. They are a snapshot of your sales at a moment in time, but one that could be old or out of date.

These can be used to answer the following questions:

  • What are the details for NAT files, concerning enrolments, clients, qualifications etc.

  • What is the list of student names, with emails who have attended a ‘Microsoft Word’ course?

  • What sales did we made on a per sales method basis for the past week?


Dashboards can communicate critical real-time business measurements. They are like dials or measurements on your car dashboard that relay important and critical information in simple, easy to understand formats.

These can be used to answer the following questions:

  • What courses should I be promoting today to ensure the course runs, ie which are making a profit?

  • How has the sales team performed in the past 30 days?

  • How are sales across the different sale groups performing?

You can set up dashboards using Geckoboard (a Geckoboard account will be required)